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443577 No.443577 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone ever take on a personal project so large it burned you out? For a while I was so enthusiastic about modeling/animating. I just did it as a hobby. I was maybe doing it for a year or two before this happened. After these two projects (dont feel obliged to look)
I really cant tell if I give a shit anymore. I just look it at like work i dont get paid for instead of something I enjoy. I havent touched the executor model since I posted that image. Its just too fucking big. I dont know where to stop. Every time I fire up 3ds I just imagine how many endless hours I could pour into this thing and still never consider it finished. I really wanted to go to school for this but im just not sure anymore. Wat do?

>> No.443584 [DELETED] 
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I already went through that phase, i model as a hobby mainly, and modding in time, i think of it like this.

First you are trying to make by yourself a project that in the industry standard is made often by dozens of people in a larga frame of time.

Second, companies, studies and sometimes even indies divide efforts among the individuals, so if you work for someone you will often find yourself doing just a small part of a big project, if you model weapons you will model only weapons for the enterity of the project, you will not touch animation.

And this will be your entire carreer as profetional, often will you only stick to a small part of a big project.

You burned yourself doing something that not only is not enough, but requires often more people.

Concentrate on smaller parts, and do them the best you can, dont try to capitalize the enterity of a project and half made everything in the end, its nice to know the basics of everything to know qhat the parts you do will require, but very few people will learn everything, will learn it right, will do it right, will take the titanic time to do them and will not be paid for them .

>> No.443585
File: 351 KB, 970x624, zxvz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already went through that phase, i model as a hobby mainly, and modding in time, i think of it like this.

First you are trying to make by yourself a project that in the industry standard is made often by dozens of people in a large frame of time, spending big quantities of money.

Second, companies, studies and sometimes even indies divide efforts among the individuals, and specialize their work. so if you work for someone you will often find yourself doing just a small part of a big project and only that part, if you model weapons you will model only weapons for the enterity of the project, you will not touch animation.

And this will be your entire carreer as profetional, often will you only stick to a small part of a big project.

You burned yourself doing something that not only is not enough for you, but in the end is not enough for profetional work, and anyways requires often more people.

Concentrate on "smaller" parts, animate, model, etc, and do them the best you can, dont try to capitalize the enterity of a project and half made everything in the end, its nice to know the basics of everything to know what the parts you do will require, but very few people will learn everything, will learn it right, will do it right, will take the titanic time to do them and will not be paid for them .

As a final note, the advantages of concentrating on something, is that you would become good enough to be a freelance artist, and maybe be hired, but studies dont necessarely want you to do everything, just to know something and know it really well.

>> No.443595

More detail does not mean better. You should stop modeling it and just smack some textures on it and then focus on animation, lighting, rendering and compositing.
When you dont see any improvents, then it's time to stop and move on.

>> No.443609


This pretty much.

If you want more detail, try using a normal map instead of modeling every nook and cranny.

>> No.443610

You just...suck. I checked your shitty video, and its just some ship awkwardly flying around. You need to have characters moving and talking to each other, not static ships dogfighting. Or at least cut in to an animated pilot talking, like "rogue six" "yes rogue leader go ahead".

Instead, you have shit.

>> No.443626

you could write a script to populate areas on your model, that no one will see (or notice) drung animated shots and shit instead of handplacing all that clutter

aftzer that you could always come in and change/place some shit by hand

>> No.443631

It was my second animation. Ever.
Well thats the thing. I dont actually know the process. Ive contributed to mods by making ship models but thats about it. Other members of the team texture/rig the models. I had no idea what direction to go in.
This was actually very helpful.

>> No.443634 [DELETED] 
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>bawww it was my second animation. ever.
>anyone burned out

eyyyy lmao

>> No.443637

Things likestar destroyers are fairly quick to build as long as you make original work. you create the general shape of the thing and just cover it in Kitbash/greeble/widgets, it's fast creative and fun.
Remaking something built trough kitbashing trying to replicate it exactly the same as the original however is hell on earth and should never be attempted.

Even if done by the same artist that built the original one the second one would take much longer to build if one had to refer to a actual plan in the detailing.

>> No.443645
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, fishbowl6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fish bowl with mermaid
>a unity game thats an off and on project (coding burns me out)
>the poster for said game needs a few details

>only ones i can think of
>pic related (just need to add the tail)

>> No.443656
File: 26 KB, 290x272, 1412062369302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animating. Lighting. Texturing. Rendering. Sound mixing. Post work. It took about two weeks to finish that. It made me understand how teams take months to animate shots in movies. Definitely a learning experience.

>> No.443657

You didnt even have screen space ao. I mean, you really were that dumb.

>> No.443658 [DELETED] 
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>> No.443659 [DELETED] 

>actually this retarded

>> No.443660 [DELETED] 
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Ayy lmao

>> No.443661 [DELETED] 
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>> No.443662 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 250x141, 1408833729904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate fishbow

>> No.443663 [DELETED] 

0/10 too much water

>> No.443664 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 413x192, 1377755586586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

broke cycle of baity images and said to much water when most have more then that
(recommended 2 centimeters from the top)

>clearly a newfag

>> No.443665 [DELETED] 

>obvious butt-hurt over terrible artwork, spamming reaction images and gifs as a last resort

>> No.443668 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 720x480, 1379042329321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terrible artwork
>incomplete projects thread
>hasn't shown ANY artwork of his own
>and still fails baity image test

>> No.443682 [DELETED] 

Thats not even OP m8

>> No.443686 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 960x960, 1405991877186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op makes comment about a learning experience
> lol ur fukin stupid op you suck

>> No.443735


Screen space AO is disgusting.

>> No.443745

tell that to unreal engine 4.

>> No.443746
File: 161 KB, 500x281, 500x1000px-LL-32898745_Screenshot0007[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did, and it disabled it.

Ambient Occlusion can be really sweet, but not Screen Space AO. Just look at that shit in Far Cry 3.

>> No.443748

Thats not unreal. Confirmed for kid.

>> No.443749


It's the same technology you retard. Just because they exaggerate the effect in their shitty engine doesn't mean SSAO becomes magically good in another engine. SSAO is unrealistic as hell.

>> No.443750


Where did I say that the screenshot is Unreal? Confirmed for no reading comprehension.

>> No.443751

ssao *is* next-gen video games, kid and is also a key component for PBR. Confirmed for dumbass.

>> No.443752


Wow you're a total idiot.
>ssao *is* next-gen video games
We've had it in the previous gen already.
>kid and is also a key component for PBR
AO is a key component of PBR, SSAO is not
For PBR you bake an ambient occlusion texture, this has nothing to do with SSAO.

>> No.443753

Videogames are moving images, son. Everything gets "baked" to the back framebuffer which is a 1x1 quad, ssao calculated, and then displayed over the "real" colors.

You lost this one. Time to log off, retard.

>> No.443754


Really nigger really?

SSAO takes a sample from your screen space (hence the name), sampling a pixel and the depth values of it's surrounding pixels. Baking AO before-hand in Maya or whatever you want means it doesn't base depth off your screen space but the actual 3D mesh instead, wish ensure you don't get shitty halos like in Far Cry 3.

My last reply to you since you have no idea what you're talking about. If you feel like replying again, actually give me something to support your argument.

And just for you:
>Note: Not to be confused with baked ambient occlusion on models!

>> No.443755

>SSAO takes a sample from your screen space (hence the name), sampling a pixel and the depth values of it's surrounding pixels.

actually they use normal as well, orienting the sampling in a hemisphere around the surface normal. You're describing ancient techniques, 10 years ago at least. Now we even have state of the art distance field AO which is incredibly realistic. All thanks to epic. You're just another cgtalk cast away, trying to rage at something you dont even understand. Sad.

>> No.443756


I'm describing SSAO, not DFAO. You don't even know the difference, yet project your inadequacies unto other people. Sad.

>> No.443758

They are both in screen space mate, on teh framebuffer aka not raytracing. Confirmed for lost soul

>> No.443759


I'm not even arguing that they aren't, nice strawmanning faggot. All I've been saying is that SSAO is fucking terrible and that pre-baked AO is much more accurate than SSAO.

>> No.443760

SSAO is fine, unless you think epic's "Infiltrator" demo is fucking terrible. And if you think that, then you have more problems.


>> No.443761


SSAO is fine when used very subtly. Using pre-baked AO with maybe DFAO on top is much much nicer.

Also, the Infiltrator demo is overall a rather dark scene where SSAO doesn't stand out too much. It's mostly a problem in bright scenes where its more noticeable or when devs decide to use SSAO as a replacement for good lighting.

>> No.443762

Thanks for your opinion kid. Any demos of your work to show btw? Didnt think so. Haha ha ha haaaaa face

>> No.443763


Any demos of your work? Oh wait you most probably don't even know how to work Maya properly considering you don't know what a baked AO map is.

>> No.443764


post your work kid. Lets see how your "very subtly ssao" works out for you. Lets see it champ.

>> No.443765


>> No.443766


Why would I even use SSAO in my work, it's shitty and outdated.

>> No.443768

>here we go

you were asked first after you raise such a stink, and you didnt deliver. Do you even have any work?

>> No.443770


>you can't criticize the Holocaust if you haven't committed one yourself

I'm sorry that your beloved SSAO is outdated.

>> No.443771

...and we're done here. You can have your shitposting, troll. I on the other hand make games for a living.

>> No.443772


>doesn't even post the game

I'm onto you Bioware shills, your games suck.

>> No.443788

If you don't want to get burned out then don't start a project that mainly consists of idiotic, dull and mindless work like trying to recreate a shitload of greeble. There's nothing impressive about it either, fake complexity doesn't mean quality and it's a typical thing that beginners like to obsess over because it looks impressive to laymen and is easy to make. Look at the freaking turret and how much useless detail you put there, nobody who knows their shit would EVER waste their time on that since it can barely be seen in the final animation.

The way actual studios do this kind of stuff is they develop a storyboard FIRST, then they know exactly which shots they need to render and then they build EXACTLY what they need, nothing more, nothing less. There's no point in having uselessly complex model when the complexity serves no purpose. Yes, even ILM uses normal maps for surface detail, like a LOT. The fact that you're bragging about your polycount shows how little you know about anything that resembles an actual workflow. You picked the most boring shit you can possibly do, you say it was your second project ever and then you come here whining that you lost all motivation to do 3D? It's your own fucking fault, why would you do stupid meaningless work for huge amounts of time if it's boring? Why don't you start with a small project, then learn how to actually work efficiently so you can do large ones? You've done almost nothing as far as 3D work goes and you're already complaining that it's too boring. It's not that your project is too large, it's that you did it completely wrong. I don't know how much time you spent on this but a pro could have made that animation in a few days including modeling.

You even said you don't know the process. That's like starting to lay a bunch of bricks to build a house even though you don't know what a foundation is or how to build a roof. And then you start complaining that laying bricks is boring halfway through.

>> No.443795 [DELETED] 
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>> No.443810

>idiotic, dull and mindless work like trying to recreate a shitload of greeble

Work smart, not hard. Most of that modelling could have been done by UV sculpting with a depth map texture and a displacement modifier.