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File: 253 KB, 1366x768, kuposucksatmodeling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
431080 No.431080[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I need some help with character modeling. I just suck at it, and no matter how many different times I try, I get stuck.

Wat do?

>> No.431082


Have you tried modeling mainly by loop extrusions?

Hard toi tell what's up if you don't show the topo but ti seems like it lacks dem perpendicular loopz.

>> No.431087

Yeah, that's what I do. I'll post topo in next post, i'm rendering something stupid right now.

>> No.431098

makehuman (premade human models highly customizable)
3dsk (reference images)

>> No.431127

You have to have a decent understanding of anatomy. Takes practice. Also figure drawing and sculpting help. Practicing one will make you better in the other. I found that drawing made me better at 3d modeling and modeling/sculpting made me better at drawing. You have a long way to go.

>> No.431164

As another poster said, just use a Makehuman model and customize it, they come fully rigged and can be exported in various formats too. Saves loads of time and allows you to concentrate on other matters.

Don't bother with learning anatomy, it's a complete waste of time unless you are trying to build an anatomical reference model.

>> No.431166

It fucking sucks that makehuman has created this kind of mentality. People will get boned by this.

>> No.431168

But they are also the sort of people that model cars without studying Automotive Engineering, kind of hypocritical really!

>> No.431171


>> No.431174

I'd pick someone that knows the proper placement of muscles and bones over someone that doesn't. I'd choose someone that understands what they're creating over someone that doesn't.
If all you can do is modify other people's meshes why the hell should anyone pay you to make anything?

I'm not saying you need to know the name of every bone in your hand. But knowing what something is supposed to look like is useful and makes you a better artist.

>> No.431369

Practice... I'd recommend retopolgizing a high density mesh until you understand edge flows. Also practice sculpting. But I learned fastest down rezing a high poly mesh... good luck.

>> No.431420
File: 182 KB, 945x682, gurl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought that since my problem is related, and answers to this might help OP, it might be easier to post here than to make a new thread. I'm doing my own practice for body meshes, which I haven't done in a long time and in the past have typically been cartoony. It's also the first time I've tried to make a body without watching a tutorial alongside it. So what can be done to fix this form? Side view is small for reasons unknown.

>> No.431429


>> No.431442

Separate the major forms. Pelvis from legs. Neck from torso. Define the head/face better. Put hands/feet on it.

>> No.431445

Fix the biceps/forearms.

>> No.431490
File: 225 KB, 1040x870, split.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not op. How do you separate the mesh without leaving hard seams?

>> No.431507

I was referring to separating the forms with topology, modeling. But generally depending on the modeling software you probably need to soften the normals

>> No.431508

Ah, thanks anon.

>> No.431521
File: 172 KB, 1280x958, blend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piggybacking since there doesn't seem to be a simple questions thread.

T-pose or 45 degree for best deformation? Generally expecting 90 to 150 degrees of rotation max. (Definitely going to be needing corrective keys)

>> No.431522

am baboon. Forgot about WIP thread.

>> No.431533

position your seams better, soften out the normals, change the texture and uv layout until it works.

>> No.431731

Delete this piece of shit, start over.
Learn drawing, learn anatomy, learn sculpting.

Frankly you got more to win learning sculpting bodies in zbrush than modeling it in 3Dsmax.

Soon poly modeling will be history.

>> No.431733

The real probleme is they are a lot of new guys who want to do 3D but to be really good in 3D you have to practise a lot 2-3 years minimum, you have to practise drawing etc ...
If you don't do this you'll never be good in 3D.
It's not something you can learn in watching one tutorial on youtube .
just keep learning, learn from your errors. be strong ! I said to my friends 3D is like drawing > when you start drawing you do always shitty stuff, and with the times it's always better :) Good luck dude !

>> No.431801

good joke.