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File: 295 KB, 802x783, ss (2014-05-06 at 11.06.36).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
422183 No.422183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

can we get a 5-10 minute speed sculpting thing going on

just fire up zbrush or mudbox and sculpt whatever comes to your mind for 5-10 minutes and post your results

>> No.422184

sorry, but thats a waste. You NEED to do 2D and refine that 2d instead of doing wasteful dynamesh and zbrush.


>> No.422185

you must be fun at party's

you don't need to have a 2d plan to express yourself

>> No.422186

feel free to express yourself (poorly) like you did in the op.

>> No.422187


were you expecting more from 5 minutes of work buzzkilling twat

>> No.422188

if you had done 2d you could have had a beautiful work. Instead, you wasted time moving verts with a virtual brush.

you deserved this terrible result and wasted time. To encourage others to do the same is unfathomable.

>> No.422192
File: 205 KB, 450x571, Butthurt_pokemons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you had done 2d you could have had a beautiful work

nigga, what part of i just pulled shit until it looked like something within the range of 5 minutes don't you understand?

oo... wait a minute, i see whats going on here... you suck at sculpting so you try to force your useless 2D "skills" onto other people to make yourself feel better about being able to draw a useless flat figure on a piece of paper...

>> No.422196

stop corrupting this board with lies.

>> No.422208

Sad little artfag is upset that the industry is now moving towards rapid concepting in 3D so that direct 360 degree feedback can be given multiple times within hours, and then instantly refined to a finalized asset when approved, saving lots of time and money. 2D jobs at studios are becoming less now, as 3D artists are taking over their jobs and reducing the required workforce.

>> No.422209

ITT: Feeding of the trolls.

>> No.422266
File: 314 KB, 2297x1000, the_cleric_1_4_statue_zbrush_models_by_alterton-d6fnqjl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just spent ten minutes on this. It's a bit rough but it's just practice. Nice chicken thing btw Op

>> No.422267

too generic, unoriginal and shitty

>> No.422278

and dont lie to your self this would need more then ten minutes too make

>> No.422285



>> No.422294

Joke = Right over their heads

>> No.422295

what's the joke?

remember jokes should be funny.