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388748 No.388748 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys,

we just released the new Mac 'n' Cheese, and I thought I'd share it with you guys. We finished it in june, I think, but couldn't put it online until now. The whole production took about 5 months.

You can watch it here: http://vimeo.com/77359213

Personally, I don't think it's as good as the first one, mostly because of the pacing and originality etc. but hopefully you guys can tell that alot more work went into this one.

Anyhow, love to hear your thoughts on it (good and bad, of course) and I'd gladly answer any questions about the production :)


>> No.388749

Wub inbound

>> No.388765

Thats awesome, how were you funded?

>> No.388766

Hey, thanks!
We were funded by Pathé (the own most major movie theatres here in the Netherlands) and every year they give out funding for about 4 short films that they play in front of some of their feature films. We played in front of World War Z and Wolverine :)

>> No.388774

Hey if possible I'd like to swing round and say hi, do you guys still do studio tours?

>play in front of some of their feature films
How did the cinema crowd react?

Also what was up with the beer fest in Utrecht yesterday.

>> No.388776

Hey dude! You dutch then? :D

You're welcome to swing by, of course! Can't give much of a tour, since we just have one room that we work in, but hey.

I only went to two screenings (since World War Z, wasn't worth seeing thrice) and the crowd reaction was mediocre, to be honest. Though it was cool to have my work on a big screen, the film itself was shown in between the trailers with no real announcement. Basically it's a very underwhelming cartoon in between the trailers of ELYSIUM and PACIFIC RIM, haha :)

Beer fest I dunno, I live in Amsterdam myself.

>> No.388813

It's a date!

>> No.388814

i said it then and i guess i have to say it now:

this is lame and doesnt make any sense. Its also boring. I cant fucking believe this took you 5 months for 2 minutes with no dialogue with characters that you didnt even design. You should be ashamed.

If you want to do cartoons that gets more than a "meh" by audiences, how about watching cartoons? How about having dialouge? I mean what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.388816




>> No.388826

this is lame and doesnt make any sense. Its also boring. I cant fucking believe this took you 5 months for 2 minutes with no dialogue with characters that you didnt even design. You should be ashamed.

Fair enough!

>>How about having dialouge? I mean what the fuck is wrong with you?

Truthfully, I totally get it's not for everyone, and yes, it's flawed in a lot of ways. Your dialogue point makes no sense though. Personally I'm a big fan of ex-schoolmates of ours from Polder Animation. I strive to be able to make cartoons like they do, but I'm still miles behind in a lot of stuff. The film they're working on now (Scrambled) is gonna kick ass, but even their graduation film Blik speaks on so many levels.


But you're right! Where's the fucking dialogue...?

>> No.388827

Also, dialogue is fucking expensive if we don't want to break from the animation style. So that, too!

>> No.388828

what style?

>> No.388833

The style of not animating everything with stepped curves. Like, it would take a lot more work to make a character like these talk, than it would to make Johnny Bravo talk!

>> No.388834

it seems like your "style" puts the IRL audience to sleep

how you like dem apples

>> No.388837

Stop replying to losers

>> No.388839

perhaps he should take these 'losers' more seriously if he wants to move on from "meh" status *in theatre*

>> No.388841

And you're stupid enough to believe your opinions have value ? Have you done anything 3D remotely worth displaying ? Or are you the stereotypical crybaby who gets jealous of other peoples work and tries to bring it down to their level with pseudo-intellectual bullshit ?
Either post your work so we can see you have the credentials to judge a work, or stop shitposting.

>> No.388842

this is a 5 month long, silent, no-original-design 2 minute borefest thats just totally random and makes no sense. The audience apparently agreed.

Dont put shit like this on a pedestal and call it gold because protip: its still shit

>> No.388843

> this is a 5 month long, silent, no-original-design 2 minute borefest thats just totally random and makes no sense.
Theres that worthless opinions we talked about
> The audience apparently agreed.
Which audience ? Show me
> Dont put shit like this on a pedestal and call it gold because protip: its still shit
And you still haven't posted anything you have done, because just face it, you are a worthless basement dweller who shitposts 24/7 at awesome works, because you literally got nothing better to do.
You really shouldn't take anything this guy says seriously because he's not here to give constructive criticism, he's here to bitch and cry. And he will never like your work and will always pull excuses out of his ass to call it shit.

>> No.388849


>defending shit this much

this is just fucking sad.

>> No.388851

Its .. pretty decent.
Style is still great, mid section was fun, but the buildup was long and it could use better put together ending for such short joke.

Anyway great work, good to see you guys getting successful

>> No.388852

what joke? The whole thing was a joke. Nothing was explained. Random shit happened the whole time.

Animation is about *timing* and *spacing*. This has none of that. This is offensively bad.

>> No.388856
File: 1.01 MB, 172x162, stephen colbert laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> crying this much
> getting mad over every good comment
This is just sad...

>> No.388859

>ad hominems on top of ad hominems

stay classy child

>> No.388860

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DksSPZTZES0
This song is dedicated to you

>> No.388862

quality posting kid. Keep it up eh?

>> No.388863

> buttmad got told
ill let you cry more now

>> No.388865 [DELETED] 

go on

>> No.388866

go on........

>> No.388890

why does the french always make short films about some character chasing other character

>> No.388920

love stories where it doesn't work out are well understood and can give at the very least a cheap emotional tug.

ok, did the theater bill it as a short pre movie film, or was it just sandwiched between two trailers with no context?

knowing that this is it, it is a fun ride, but thinking this is a short part of an animated feature length film... it would suck.

you also use having them trip balls to get to the fun shit, which if thats the humor you are going into, lets say a harold and kumar movie, or even a scary movie movie, the audience would love it, world war z, sandwiched between 2 great trailers, without a "this is a short before the feature" billing, than no wonder the audience didn't like it as much as they probably should have.

and as far as telling a story with art alone goes, the getting high -> comedy parts kind of screw that up for people who that form of entertainment doesn't appeal to.

with that said, i enjoyed it.

>> No.388963

Thanks dude, appreciate the comments!

We're not french, though! I think chase fimls are easy because they require little explanation and enable you to get right in the good stuff.

Well, apparently it differed between screenings. But when I went, it was right in between Pacific Rim and Elysium, so it was very confusing. Anyway, thanks for the feedback and kind words!

>> No.388981

You guys have wasted your potential for mac 'n cheese with this one, simple as that.

>> No.388984

I have only one question, why would you post this here of all places and subject yourself to the abuse? /3/ is known for hating absolutely everything no matter if it's good or not. And also for trolling.

Anyway I thought it was good but I have to admit I also liked the first one better. Still it doesn't deserve any of the comments in here since most of these people are hobbyists that make shitty waifus in blender and have never been near a professional production like this or know about the work involved.

>> No.388988

Well, why wouldn't I? :D It's relevant, and the feedback's not all bad. Half of these comments are pretty insightful (and not just the positive ones!) and I should be able to reflect on these things. I mean, I did spend 5 months of my life on this, y'know. And who knows, someone might have some questions about the technical side of things that I could answer, and we all might learn something from one another?

Thanks for your comment :D

>> No.389038

I dig it.

>> No.389155

well, here if you want the same style, instead of getting high, go nightmare.

everyone can relate to having a weird nightmare far more than they can to tripping balls.

for 2 characters, have the dream be shared, and when they wake up at the same time, they realize it was shared.

but this idea is more for if you want a general audience, and not just appeal to a single segment well.

that said, what took 5 months? how was time management broken down?

>> No.389161


Yeah a nightmare/dream sequence was definitely on the list among some other ideas, but unfortunately we can only make a film every once in a while and decided to go for this format.

The 5 months can be roughly broken down to about a month and a half of modeling and texturing, 2 weeks (for a single person) to re-rig the characters and completely update the facial rigs. About 2.5 months of animation and a month of rendering. In between there was a lot of time spent on getting the technical side of things working. We re-did our entire pipeline sort of during the project (with a good publishing system) and we had to figure out how to get scenes with such an immense number of products working. I'd say all in all there was about 2 weeks spent on doing additional 2D effects (sparks, dust, water, etc.) and about a week's worth of going to-and-fro on the audio and music.

Storyboarding is not included here, because the storyboard had to be made for the pitch for the funding, so that was mostly done already :)

>> No.389163

Oh I remember the other one.
The pacing felt a bit rushed, but otherwise good.
5 months seems like a lot of time to produce 3 minutes though, but I guess it's understandable given the quality of the animation.

>> No.389168

It took you 2 weeks to do a rigs with no lip sync required?

1 month to render under 3 minutes??????

The main "joke" was about snorting cocaine???!!!!!!!! How in the fuck did you amateurs ever get funded for this shit (literally: shit) much less make it to the movie theater? Is this government funding aka government meddling in the private sector? If yes, your whole country should be ashamed because you wasted their money. You amateurs.

>> No.389170

God I don't know if your for real but your embarrasing yourself with these comments. 1 month to render 3 mins at a high enough quality to display on a cinema screen is pretty reasonable. You've CLEARLY never done anything of worth if these numbers sound crazy to you.
Wanna prove me wrong? Cough up some renders mother fucker cos I know you ain't got em.

>> No.389172 [DELETED] 

Go suck ops dick some more. This whole project is fucking sad. Op should be ashamed as should his entire country

>> No.389194

2 weeks for 3 characters, yep!

>> No.389198

So it took you 80 hours for 3 character rigs, none of which had any facial lipsync.

Sounds about right for amateurs propped up by the european governments

>> No.389199

Yup, that's what I though.

>> No.389200

a+ post

>> No.389210

You could lip synch with the rigs though :) And it was more like 100 hours. Care to guess how long it takes to rig a production ready character at a big American studio? ;)

>> No.389212

Not long at all. In 2 hours you can have a way better rig than what your shit because of autorigs, muscle systems, and custom nodes that have been developed over time by people who can program

>> No.389213

I think that's the nail in your coffin, then! :D

>> No.389214 [DELETED] 

how is that? Your rigging is shit level, your characters dont talk, they dont have any muscle movements. It took you fucking a 100 government funded hours to rig 3 silent characters for a drug movie. Your government endorses shit media that endorses drug use

just kill yourself

>> No.389216 [DELETED] 

how is that? Your rigging is shit level, your characters dont talk, they dont have any muscle simulation. It took you fucking 100 to do it and it wasnt even your first time.

Since you havent denied it, I assume that you were sponsored by your governement, who in turn funded a short about snorting cocaine

do everyone else in the world a favor and just kill yourself already. Be ashamed

>> No.389217

how is that? Your rigging is shit level, your characters dont talk, they dont have any muscle simulation. It took you fucking 100 god damn hours to do it and it wasnt even your first time.

Since you havent denied it, I assume that you were sponsored by your governement, who in turn funded a short about snorting cocaine

do everyone else in the world a favor and just kill yourself already. Be ashamed

>> No.389219


Heh, thanks for trying to vent that anger twice. Surely I must now have succeeded in "art", by invoking such powerful emotions?

>> No.389222

why are you even here? Why aren't you planning your next sub 180 second government sponsored drug short with no original characters or dialogue?

Im booking the screening right now - you go on before the hobbit part 2.

Best get to work kid

>> No.389223
File: 179 KB, 308x568, madbull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> crying straight for days
oh man get a life, what a pathetic life you got
I must congratulate you, I sincerely haven't seen anyone this butthurt in this board ever. This guy got so jealous and mad that he can't get away from the keyboard.

>> No.389224


im mad that this such shit, and its a government not only going into the private sector, but funding drugs.

Op has no talent anyway, but that was obvious from the first short

>> No.389225

'cause this board is labaled 3DCG, and that is what I make, as shown in my post. And I also like to talk about it, without urging others to kill themselves because I find their work sub-par. So... why are you here? And you might need to word your post more carefully this time :)

>> No.389228

These guys will have jobs, you can only dream of. And you will never be able to create half of what they did in your life time. You will always be a loser crybaby and an entertainment for the rest of us.

>> No.389227

im here to tell you your work is shit because it is and your government overstepped their bounds because they did.

Do you see the problem here?

>> No.389230

i have to google translate this from mexican into english hold on

>> No.389232
File: 169 KB, 480x300, ozartsetc_macncheese_animation_movie[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> if i dont make sense maybe they wont think im butthurt
you should get a trip so we can know when the angsty kid of /3/ is around

>> No.389234

>ad hominem

>> No.389235

sshhh...only dreams now kido...

>> No.389239

Quality Post kid

>> No.389245

What hardware and software did you use for this?

I'm quite impressed. 5 months sounds like a long time but for three minutes - it's not that bad. Especially considering it took Pixar 18 months to do The Blue Umbrella, which is 6 min.

I agree with the story being quite shitty and the jokes are pretty lame, but I like everything else.

>> No.389263

The blue umbrella is *infinitely* better than this shit. Try to comprehend that.

>> No.389269

Of course I understand that but still - 18 months for 6 minutes by Pixar and not some dutch dudes in one room.
I'm not comparing them other than saying the production time is reasonable, especially considering these guys apparently re-did their pipeline and all.

>> No.389271

Wow. First time seeing this, it does resemble TF2 as the color grading, the cartoonish style and the deformed characters as I'm sure everyone who played TF2 get the heavy and scout vibe. Regardless this kicks ass. I love the characters, love the ambient, love the fast phased scenes, love the animation and love the feeling it gives. This is a solid 10/10 work without any doubt. Incredible job !

>> No.389276


>> No.389288

Great job OP, you guys are really on the right track. I was surprised how much I enjoyed this. I suppose you have room for improvement but with the tools and techniques you guys already know you put together something pretty good and got it presented! That's impressive.

>> No.389299
File: 138 KB, 3137x1336, 1276516_528395113910696_1023021028_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man! Yeah, sort of my feelings about the film, too! We were very caught in just making everything work technically. What with all the products and stuff.

We have about 6 work stations (windows) and a linux server. We mostly use Maya and use Vray for rendering. We don't have a render farm yet, so we sort of render on 50% during work hours, and put them on full steam at night. We hope to be able to invest in a render farm with one of our next projects. It's just a pretty big investment for a small company.

Definitely true! Amazing video.

Thanks dudes!

And, as you can tell from the credits list, a bunch of other people worked on it, too. We actually had interns, which was very weird to suddenly delegate your work. All in all, it was a very good experience, and I hope we can take some of that into our next film. Well, next next film. Because we finished Mac n Cheese 2 a few months ago, and we've already had another short film finished. It's a music video and it's gonna be released in about 2 to 3 weeks. This time it was 3.5 minutes of film, (3 characters again) and we had to finish it in 8(!) weeks. We just barely made it on time. Anyhoo, it's a completely different style from Mac 'n' Cheese (the attached image is a still from the video) and hope you guys will like it! Sadly, this one too is more of a technical achievement rather than a solid film on all fronts. But hey, 8 weeks!

>> No.389300

>Sadly, this one too is more of a technical achievement rather than a solid film on all fronts. But hey, 8 weeks!

Theres nothing technically impressive in this at all. You didnt *achieve* anything

>> No.389301

Thanks mang!

Anyhoo, we also just posted a compositing shot breakdown from the film :) https://vimeo.com/77591142

>> No.389303

I shudder at the fact that this required not only 1 intern, but multiple

This is....the saddest thing development cycle I have EVER heard of

>> No.389307

your tears are delicious

>> No.389310

You're projecting again. Im saging again

>> No.389312
File: 109 KB, 268x314, bales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortunately you're the only only one in this thread and possibly in the world who's jealous and buttmad enough to cry infront of your screen for 2 straight days over this masterpiece. Also I realized every time I post something, you reply back in a matter of minutes. It's ALMOST like you're F5ing this thread to shitpost your autistic crap to compensate for your worthlessness.

I'm so glad none of us are such a pathetic loser like you. Let the tears run.

>> No.389314

nice reaction image kid, i really enjoyed it. Have a sage

>> No.389320 [DELETED] 

>saging again
You know you're not even saging, right?

>> No.389328

Amazing work OP, keep being awesome. This board needs people like you :)

>> No.389345


Sage is not a downvote you stupid shit. Your desperation is showing.

As >>389312 says, keep on crying.

>> No.389346



>> No.389353

Let him drown in his autism. Just enjoy life knowing you will never be him.

>> No.389355

do you even know the symptoms of autism?

>> No.389448

Thanks man!

>> No.391785

Fucking awesome m8!

Great job.

>> No.392475

Why is there so much hate/dysfunction/criticism in CG communities?

People take themselves too seriously.

>> No.392525

This is just awesome! Down here at NHTV students are always bitching on HKU, but i don't see them creating animations of this quality anytime soon. Also the visuals on "gracht" recently were just amazing imho.

>> No.393397

>why would you post this here of all places and subject yourself to the abuse? /3/ is known for hating absolutely everything no matter if it's good or not.
That's every single board on 4chan. You like a video game? /v/ hates it. You like music? /mu/ hates it. Rinse and repeat for each board and their respective topics.

>> No.393401

Maybe thats the real challenge ;)

>> No.393452

>has no idea how much fucking time animating shit takes, especially with a small team

it's time to stop shitposting.

>> No.393476

>>has no idea how much fucking time animating shit takes, especially with a small team

minimal animation went on in this, son. And none of it was good. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Not sorry really

>> No.393487
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>> No.393488
File: 78 KB, 562x437, hahaha oy vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> skinhead
> wearing red : obvious SS flag colors
> looks like hailing like a german soldier if you remove the box in his hand
> white powder means white power
> the number '3' in the background with red color : symbolizing the 3rd reich

>> No.393490

>KKK XLLL pack on box.
>White powder
>KKK size.

>> No.393491

wow, didn't expect to see so many coincidental nazi references...makes me wonder if its really just a coincidence

>> No.393643

I liked it. Made me smile. good job OP

>> No.393645
File: 68 KB, 357x378, 1366492576744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really liked everything, but the pacing did kinda throw me off. Like, some of the establishing shots went by way too fast to really appreciate the detail and the overall pace made it seem rather rushed.

>> No.393648

Obviously the artists are red pilled.

>> No.393658

jidf pls...

>> No.395413
File: 331 KB, 4096x1744, carCU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! Gracht is really nice too, but their original storyboard was way funnier :D Endtrip is also cool from that year, yet none of them top Blik (from 3 years ago!) imo

The red 3 and skinhead thing are kind of far-fetched :P And he's certianly not heil hitlering! The sheets on the packs are KKK cloaks tho. We put it in there since it's set in a supposed mid-westner state.

We also finished this recently: http://vimeo.com/79803288

Something quite different!

>> No.395414

Did you use the displacementmap frequency / framerate sync method ? Also why did you have to make such a sad thing ;_;

>> No.395416

The what now? :O We actually rendered the film, then spawned particles on all geometry, instanced polygons on them, gave them random brush stroke alphas, projected the render and then re-rendered the whole thing!

>> No.395417
File: 307 KB, 4096x1744, charWide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the stills are alot nicer than the film tho, I feel. Especially since it's doubly compressed online :(

>> No.395418

embarrassing. Horrible

>> No.395419

Thanks! It was done in 8 weeks by the way.

>> No.395421

That is so close to being exceptional.
If you replaced the character's with real looking ones and fixed up the animation I think it would be something a lot more people would be talking about.

Seriously, if you ever have any chance to revisit please do!! So many good things about it already but the characters left me feeling cold.

>> No.395431

I feel the same way.If we either had more production time or more budget (20k) we could've done a lot more with it. But it served as a nice testing ground for that new technique :)

>> No.395488

Wow, do you have any shot breakdowns for that Mr. Probz video? The rendering style is exquisite. A tutorial on how you did it would be awesome.

>> No.395492

dat jealousy lol

>> No.395495

Did you get any influence from meet buck?

Also I think your use and portrayal of drugs in the shorts is juvenile.

>> No.395521

We will eventually! It was all done with Vray so we might write an article for Chaosgroup soon. I'll definitely post it here, but if you have any specific questions I'd happily try and answer!

Yep, definitely. It's clearly noted in the description of the first one! We have good contact with those guys as well. And thanks, it stems from my personal experiences with drug use at that time (most notably LSD, MDMA and cocaine), but is of course pulled way out of proportion, because, well, it's cartoons. Glad we managed to keep it exciting instead of the dark overtones drug use is usually stigmatised by in media.

>> No.395537

Cool. I was guessing it was done maybe with the video gogh plugin, but it also looks better than what that plugin can do.