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File: 144 KB, 640x480, Diamonds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
381756 No.381756[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What can I do to make this better?

Also, no shitposting, please. I'm still fairly new to Max, so I'm sorry that it's not perfect.

Caustics will be rendered in a bit and AO will be refined, but this is just a very basic rendition of what I want, and it's really all you need.

>> No.381759

you dont even have dispersion in your refraction. Even unity does this, in real time. You fucked up, bad.

>> No.381760

I don't even know what that is or how to do that. I've been using Max for only a few weeks, and most of that time has been modeling. I modeled this diamond and used what I knew to make the material, and I used my artistic sense to make the lighting (which is a bit inaccurate because of these settings, by the way).

Instead of telling me I fucked up like a douchebag, why not tell me how to fix it, like I asked?

>> No.381762

dispersion shifts the rgb wavelengths of light and is a key characteristic of diamonds to make them "brilliant" and have "fire"

>> No.381765

Alright, so how do I do that effect in my scene?

>> No.381766

lots of ways

>> No.381767

start by tieing a rope around your neck

>> No.381768

First of all, don't use AO, AO is for games, not realism. Stick to actually calculating the light traversal so that any light occlusion is calculated properly, not just based on ambient lighting.

Now it depends on what you're rendering with... Max doesn't tell us that. Is it mentalray? vray?

>> No.381770

>First of all, don't use AO, AO is for games, not realism.

you'll never get realism on the computer, ever. You can try for photorealism, but again, thats not even close to being real. Thus, ao doesnt matter, pathtracing, does not matter

>> No.381771

Mental ray.

>> No.381772
File: 144 KB, 640x480, Diamonds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a few changes on my own, but nobody's been remotely helping me here.

>> No.381776

chump i told you to add dispersion and you didnt do it. Dont blame us for your shit diamonds.

>> No.381777

>nobody's been remotely helping me here.
Read carefully, kid, you better start asking politely. None of us is willing to deal with your teen #yolo attitude.

That said, make your diamond fully reflective and fully refractive. If you can use an effect called fresnel, then turn it on or whatever. Dispersion will allow you to see many colors in the diamond... I can't believe you can't google "diamond mental ray"...

>> No.381783
File: 32 KB, 640x480, 1379639198532s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.381787

kill yourself. sorry, but I couldn't help myself. You told me to do something I don't know how to do, which I told you, so if you could please tell me how to add dispersion so I don't have to search the internet for a crap tutorial, that would be great.

I can definitely google that, I just wasn't sure of what to do, which is why I came here. I didn't even know of dispersion until now. It's already fully reflective, but the architectural material I made might not have any refraction settings, unless I add a normal map. I'll try that.

>> No.381790

>kill yourself. sorry, but I couldn't help myself. You told me to do something I don't know how to do, which I told you, so if you could please tell me how to add dispersion so I don't have to search the internet for a crap tutorial, that would be great.

no, go fuck yourself

>> No.381791

Alright, I think I figured it out. Should be ready in about 5 minutes, my render farm isn't working.

>> No.381792

It came out all red.

>> No.381793

too bad you didnt use ipr

>> No.381794


please refer to

>> No.381795

Alright, then I'm out. If anyone has some advice that would actually be helpful, I'd appreciate it.

Oh, wait, it's still rendering. That's why it's red. It actually just turned yellow, and I guess I can see some of the dispersion.


>> No.381796


>> No.381797
File: 188 KB, 640x480, DIspersion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the dispersion. I had to use a max script, which sucks, so if anyone has a way of doing it without scripts and using mental ray, that'd be great.

>> No.381798

looks like shit. perhaps you should follow a tut

>> No.381799

Yeah, maybe.`

>> No.381800

Stupidest thing I've ever heard. I have a hard time believing you're this stupid, surely you're just trying to get a rise out of people. That's like saying "oh well you can never achieve 100% realism, so just use fucking cell shading", it's idiotic thinking. You go for what can get you the closest to realistic, which AO definitely does not.

Sorry, there are too many deluded faggots on this board who have fiddled around with Blender or played vidya games and somehow think they are experts on this shit. The simplest way would be to just follow this little tutorial, as you're not going to get much help here.

Or you can try iray, which part of Max now, and a branch of mentalray that does more physically accurate rendering.
Download the new material for it.

>> No.381801

>That's like saying "oh well you can never achieve 100% realism, so just use fucking cell shading", it's idiotic thinking. You go for what can get you the closest to realistic, which AO definitely does not.

you'll never even get 10% of realism on the computer, ever. Never ever. Not even on an advanced rift.

>> No.381802
File: 36 KB, 500x375, 2aijakl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw when this is the first thread i see on /3/ and i'm used to actually useful boards

>> No.381804

This is actually the most helpful thing I've seen in a while. I give you my most sincere thanks, anon.

>> No.381805

>living under a rock for the past 10 years

>> No.381811
File: 1.27 MB, 787x1062, walt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u wot m8?

>> No.381812

oh my god people still post this garbage? his skin is like ironed paper. just delete your post please.

>> No.381813

Looks nothing like him. Is this a troll?

>> No.381816
File: 934 KB, 799x1000, walter white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.381817
File: 445 KB, 1280x1602, walter white 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.381818

ugh is this 2009? that shitty ass SSS

>> No.381819

Alright this must be a joke. The sss looks atrocious. Op, delete this thread

>> No.381821
File: 359 KB, 1067x1600, YlW9BRF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.381823

hahahaha even from the thumbnail i vomited.

>> No.381825


>> No.381832


>> No.381838
File: 13 KB, 320x240, whotmate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw old Benjamin's head is entirely CG.

>> No.381839
File: 254 KB, 1600x1141, 1294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.381840

OP here. how do i set up a ruby? do i make a red diffuse map in mspaint then export it as a tiff?

>> No.381842

Or just click the color/diffuse input and change the color with the color picker? lol. The tutorial I gave you showed how to make a red gem even. Did you not read it?

>> No.381854

also how do i set up the rendering so it looks better it seems that the renderer is holding me back, i might have to replace it since it's the only factor that could be holding me back

>> No.381862

It's not the only factor holding you back.. It's your limited knowledge about rendering. You can't expect to be creating masterpieces of photorealism when you're just starting to learn... Look up rendering tutorials for your renderer of choice. Path tracers like IRAY are a bit more noob friendly for achieving a realistic image though. With IRAY, make sure to turn on the Architectural sampler and the Caustic sampler.

And again, read the tutorial. Find a nice HDR image for your scene, things like glass, metal and other higher refractive or reflective surfaces get most of their "realism" from complex lighting in their area.

>> No.381863

so HDRIs...isn't that a photography thing where you take multiple exposure shots of a scene?

>> No.381869
File: 20 KB, 275x283, 1378670978140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.381937
File: 1.34 MB, 1552x918, 1379020220339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>computers can't achieve photorealism

>> No.381938


>> No.381962

The other way around, you're describing HOW photographers take HDR images. You want to use those images photographers make, because they contain lighting information for your renderer to use, instead of just basing it off the basic color range of the image. An HDR image is 32bit, so it has a much wider color range that a regular monitor cannot display.

Most HDRi's are made explicitly for peopel who do rendering. And they will be in either an EXR or HDR format, not BMP, JPEG, PNG, etc... Since those formats cannot hold the lighting data. There's a difference between a photo that "looks" HDR, which people take for artsy reasons, and an image that actually IS HDR.

>> No.381967
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, garden_1080[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9/10 because the closeup leaves are too obviously CGI.
buttmad jellyboy

also whoever said PC can't achieve photorealism is clinically retarded

>> No.381968

>mfw he put all that effort into the rest of the scene, but couldn't be bothered to take 2 minutes to bevel his buildings edges...

>> No.381969

so, how would you rate it ?

>> No.381971
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, GOOFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only clinically retarded person here is you.

>> No.381973 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 268x314, bales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> waaaahh so much butthurt that i have to make pseudo-intellectual shitposting to shit on awesome renders that I will never ever achieve in my life
ahhhahahahahaha. please cry more loser, keep entertaining us.

>> No.381974

>posting reaction images, ad hominems, waaa butthurt

this isnt board culture, but in fact ban worthy. Read moot's latest post. Or, read it again.

>> No.381975

Naw man, you're still pretty retarded. You stated we couldn't ven get near 10% realism, when shit like that is clearly near 99%, it just needs a tiny bit more polish to achieve it. If you showed that to any random person on the street, they would absolutely think it's a photo.

>> No.381994

Yeah, actually, the only hints I see that this is actually CG are the laser-sharp edges on the building and the weird tiling on that one bush/tree thing right in the center of the image. If not for those, I'd believe it was a photo.

>> No.381995

>If you showed that to any random person on the street, they would absolutely think it's a photo.

>You stated we couldn't ven get near 10% realism, when shit like that is clearly near 99%, it just needs a tiny bit more polish to achieve it. If you showed that to any random person on the street, they would absolutely think it's a photo.

you're talking about photorealism, which didnt happen in that photo - at all. You cant slap some textures onto an onyx plant and call it photoreal. Well, you can, but it doesnt make it true. And then, thats not even close to true realism, the non photo type. Im getting bord of your charade tbh

>> No.381998

Stop being so retarded and cynical, seriously. You know damn well that is pretty darn close to photoreal. We can't achieve realism without the right hardware to output light to our eyes in a way that looks real.

>> No.381999

no, its not even close to photo real. It looks like onyx tree with no textures tbph + all the errors I circled. Its miles away from even being a photograph that you can take in under a seconds

>> No.382000

You're looking at it from a CG hobbyist perspective, you complete tool. I guess I'll have to say it again "THE GENERAL FUCKING PUBLIC WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO TELL THAT IS FAKE". Get that through your head. That is all that matters, they don't know what the fuck onyx tree is.

>> No.382001

Get this through your head: photorealism has nothing to do with fooling people for 10 seconds.

Accept this analogy:
I make minatures at warhammer 40k scale of the new york jets that look very realistic at a glance and then photograph them. I show these photographs and for <10 seconds they think its a real photograph of a real player and not a a miniature. Then, they look at it closely and find out that things are off all over the place and it is in fact fake and ive been trying to decieve them. My photographs are not photoreal.

Please. Your definition of photorealism is not how it actually is. Your untextured onyx mental ray 3ds max shit fools people for 10 seconds, no more.

You're making a fool of yourself tbh

>> No.382004

Are you the guy who tries too hard in every argument? I really hope you're doing well in life, bro. Because I'm sure you know that nothing can be 100% perfect, that's just the way it is.

Also, if I was told in any other circumstance, that I'm seeing an actual photo, I'd say meh, nice garden... but no one on earth would analyze that thing; it looks believable, really, so there's not even a reason to do so.

It's OK to be a perfectionist, I mean it, but you're just exaggerating.

>> No.382005

>Are you the guy who tries too hard in every argument? I really hope you're doing well in life, bro. Because I'm sure you know that nothing can be 100% perfect, that's just the way it is.

off to a good start

>Also, if I was told in any other circumstance, that I'm seeing an actual photo, I'd say meh, nice garden... but no one on earth would analyze that thing; it looks believable, really, so there's not even a reason to do so.

things immediately look off on it in many places, its posted online at cg forums

>It's OK to be a perfectionist, I mean it, but you're just exaggerating.

next you're going to tell me that you were just pretending to be retarded

>> No.382018

Stop feeding the autism. He's autistic, and he can't help it. He will try to degrade anything he can't achieve with the same typical shitposting instead of working his ass off and spending effort. He's not even a 3D artist, or produced anything that he can put on the table.
He's just another buttmad jellyboy who cries,rages and shitposts 7/24. Although, keep going because you like to see him cry more, coz I gotta admit thats a pretty strong jealousy right there.

> inb4 denial

>> No.382019

>pretty jealous of obvious errors + grass + onyx tree
>"fooling" for 10 sec


>> No.382023

so is an HDRI meant to take out the need for setting up lights based on a reference if you have that reference's light data?

>> No.382026

It needs a lot more lens flares and some really shallow depth of field.

>> No.382029

For the most parts yes, but often times an HDRI won't give the kind of contrast a person needs so they may add an extra light for some more control over highlights/shadows.

HDRI is mainly use for simple scenes like this, where you're just rendering an object like jewelry, or trying to mesh a car model with a background image. But if you model your whole interior scene with proper textures and light sources, then the need for an HDRI goes away, since you have a nice environment to reflect/refract then.

>> No.382032 [DELETED] 

>But if you model your whole interior scene with proper textures and light sources, then the need for an HDRI goes away, since you have a nice environment to reflect/refract then.

>being this retarded

this means that you need to model things behind the camera that nobody will ever see. Instead, save yourself the time and trouble and get an interior HDRI

>> No.382034 [DELETED] 

>But if you model your whole interior scene with proper textures and light sources, then the need for an HDRI goes away, since you have a nice environment to reflect/refract then.

>being this retarded

this means that you need to model AND texture things behind the camera that nobody will ever see. Instead, save yourself the time and trouble and get an interior HDRI

>> No.382036

>HDRI is mainly use for simple scenes like this, where you're just rendering an object like jewelry, or trying to mesh a car model with a background image. But if you model your whole interior scene with proper textures and light sources, then the need for an HDRI goes away, since you have a nice environment to reflect/refract then.

>being this retarded

1) hdri arent "mainly used for simple scenes"

2)if you dont use an hdr for an interior, you need to model AND texture things behind the camera that nobody will ever see in order to reflect / refract properly. Instead, save yourself the time and trouble and get a god damn interior HDRI you idiot

>> No.382055

1.) Yes, they are. A simple scene is a scene that isn't completely fleshed out. Often a single subject, or maybe an out door scene with a house and lawn.

2.) No fucking shit sherlock, that's what I said, can you not read? "model your WHOLE interior scene".

>> No.382057

> "model your WHOLE interior scene".

>3d modelling whats behind the camera and wont be seen but only reflected /refracted

this is why we take hdris on set and use them for every shot

im saging right now, too bad you cant see it

>> No.382064

Don't fucking impersonate me, bitch.

I leave for a day, and it's a breaking bad thread. What?

>> No.382068
File: 172 KB, 640x480, hows this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did some more dispersion, I can't get the thing to render video post effects using the script I'm using. Apparently it looks like I have to project an image of some sort to make it look like there's dispersion, unless someone can tell me how to render video post effects only in a transparent scene so I can place them in.

>> No.382070

doesnt even look close to a diamond

>> No.382071

That's why I'm posting in this thread.

>> No.382137

not that guy, i was the one asking about HDRIs

so are there HDRIs for cloudy exterior landscapes, or a tutorial for making such HDRIs? im going through the sticky but it only explains how to set it up with an already made HDRI, and im not sure where to get exterior ones.

>> No.382138

Just use Google dude... seriously. "exterior HDRI" simple as that. Find downloads for them. CGPeers.com has a tonne in EXR and HDRI format you can download.

>> No.382183

i just finished googling HDRI and i only got a bunch of ass. hook me up with some exterior HDRIs i'm good for it

>> No.382186

As I said, just go on CGPeers. All the ones you find there will be correct. You're not going to find them in a Google Image search, your web browser can't display a true HDR format image.

>> No.382211

Fix your fucking gamma, son.

>> No.382365
File: 938 KB, 1920x1080, Diamonds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here's the near final product. As soon as I can figure out how to render the video post effects ONLY i'll be able to finish it.

I'm pretty sure there's no way to render dispersion in mental ray, and I just set up a render farm so I have like 10 cores on one scene at any given moment, so this will go a lot faster from now on. As you can see, one of the effects needs to be adjusted, but when that's done, it'll look decent. Maybe I'll brighten up my scene a bit if I can't find any dispersion shit for mental/iray.

>> No.382383

Christ almighty, tone those highlights down, jesus.

>> No.382385
File: 43 KB, 400x300, 1379835609358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's going on there, did you max out the rgb level or something?

>> No.382406


Man, they're brighter than the sun.

>> No.382433
File: 87 KB, 1280x680, d6-dof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP search for "Fire and Ice - rendering Diamonds and Gems in mental ray"

>> No.382434

these dont actually look realistic imo. Ive seen real diamonds and they look nothing like this.

>> No.382435

I dont give two shits what youve seen cunt

>> No.382436

keep your head in the sand like an ostrich.

>> No.382437

Stop shitposting

>> No.382438

>something doesnt look realistic, clear if you've seen real diamonds

you're shitposting

>> No.382439

First you've never seen diamonds under those lighting conditions, second it will be a huge improvement for OP to follow this tutorial. So yeah, stop shitposting, no one gives a shit what you have to say.

>> No.382440

You're doing the shitposting mate. Read moot's post. Should be hard to miss.

>> No.382441

Post some of your work so i can tell you it looks like shit. That will be great.

>> No.382442

I'm already employed.

>> No.382443

In that case I'd like fries with that and a medum Cola.

>> No.382444

You work at McDonalds, not everyone deos.

>> No.382445

I'd like to see the manager, you're about to get fired.

>> No.382446


samefag. Im saging now

>> No.382447

U mad brah?

>> No.382449

no. I get money, you samefag online

>> No.382451

No one gives a shit what you get.

>> No.382453
File: 15 KB, 528x434, 1305523587250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.382455

if you didnt give a shit, you wouldnt be replying and even samefagging.

>> No.382457

I don't do that, you're getting trolled by someone who posted >>382444 or you're trolling yourself. In any case you better stop it altogether, i posted some useful information regarding this thread. You shitpost. You better apologise and leave.

>> No.382458

you're right - you're shitposting. Read the post by the founder of 4chin on shitposting. It should be above.

>> No.382460

You should consider that you're wrong sometimes, its ok really.

>> No.382461

you're right - you're wrong

>> No.382462

Great argument, are you 12?
Stop shitposting. This board is shit because of fags like yourself. Never posting useful information, just "this doesn't look like real, i've seen real". Well i got news for you, when you're beginner at this, everything that will help you move forward is a positive thing.

>> No.382483

Stop with the banter, please.

These look amazing. I'll give this a try and post results. Will I still be able to use my video post effects with this?

>> No.382492

we'd love to see your results

>> No.382493

It's rendering right now, but my render farm isn't working. Give me a second.

>> No.382494

rendr hardr faggot i need sleep

>> No.382495

i sed gimme a sec fgt its rndrng pls goby

>> No.382506

Almost there

>> No.382511
File: 428 KB, 1920x1080, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I followed the guide, and this is what I got.

>> No.382519

goddammit i stay up for this shit. my qualified tip is to turn.. that thing there down.

>> No.382523

I did, looks much better. I;m trying again.

>> No.382529
File: 130 KB, 640x480, Diamonds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far...Gonna render dispersion.

>> No.382532
File: 154 KB, 640x480, Diamonds_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...looks like shit now.

>> No.382533

whats the ior of the diamond set to?

>> No.382534

diamonds take forever...forever....

>> No.382537


>> No.382540

set it to 2.4

>> No.382543

you're not my dad

>> No.382544

he might be anon I've heard some things

>> No.382546

can you hear the sound of silence

>> No.382547

I want /jp/ to leave.

>> No.382554
