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File: 42 KB, 640x272, bredow01_Cloudy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
379321 No.379321[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do any of you guys use the arnold renderer an if yes is it better than vray

>> No.379323

iray, lad

>> No.379336
File: 512 KB, 1444x1121, 1313736502186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better than vray
nothing is better than the one and only

>> No.379341

Come again? Vray is a shit-stain on the CG Industry. Arnold along with Renderman are miles better than Vray.

>> No.379346

This. Vray isnt even good for archviz anymore. Iray now wears that crown.

>> No.379352

I've been using Vray for the past years and I think it's great. What makes the others better? I'm not trying to defend Vray, I'm just curious.

>> No.379355

What are generally some good settings for getting good results with little noise aside from .001 adaptive threshold and crazy render times?

>> No.379396

If I understand it right, raytracing renders work by following light beams from the source to bouncing on the materials to finally hitting the camera. So if you reduce the number of beams, you get less light beams hitting the camera, meaning more noise since there are more "gaps" / fewer pixels hitting the lens. So in other words - to get rid of noise you need lots of rays which means long render times.

>> No.379397

no, you just have to sample in the areas that matter and not in the areas that dont

>> No.379399

0.001 threshold is overkill and will waste a lot of render time on areas that won't actually contribute anything to the image. 0.005 is the lowest you should go.

>> No.379455

Depends on where the noise is coming from, but remember that you can always put the samples up per-light and per-shader rather than globally. I find that this results in less noise and faster render times.

>Arnold along with Renderman are miles better than Vray
Arnold and VRay are practically the same thing. Personally I think they are much better than Renderman for photo-realistic CG, whereas Renderman is much better for getting a fine-tuned, specific look you are going for (especially in animation). Renderman simply has too many light and shader parameters that aren't built to be physically accurate or plausible, VRay and Arnold are built with physical accuracy as their core idea and are much easier and faster to achieve a photorealistic result with.

(This is disregarding the newest changes Pixar made to Renderman for Blue Umbrella and Monsters University, which are pretty damn awesome and are making me change my opinion of Renderman)

>> No.379468

I recently read an interview with some guy from the vfx team off pacific rim and he said that they used renderman for the water which is pretty photorealistic

>> No.379470

Vray and Arnold at not the same thing. Arnold uses brute force monte carlo path tracing, while VRay uses traditional industry standard raytracing, like global illumination, final gethering, importance sampling, etc... It uses tricks basically, approximations. Now VRay RT, that is like Arnold, it is unbiased.

>> No.379473

That's only because of the recent addition of actual ray-tracing to Renderman though, which was used in Monster University. They are finally moving away from the extremely complicated rasterization techniques they had to use.

>> No.379475
File: 759 KB, 969x1330, 12selva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this iray niggers again
how much nvidia pays you desperate monkey? dumb cunt. vray is the best, most widespread renderer. not my fault if you are too dumb to use it. try to make pic related with your iray nigger shit.

>> No.379476

Isn't rasterization rendering just handling final gather and some sampling parameters.

>> No.379477

no, this is not how vray works. it doesn't use final gathering nor those dumb tricks are naming.
>while VRay uses traditional industry standard raytracing,
>traditional industry standard raytracing,
you have no clue what you are talking about

>> No.379478

Its a ray tracer, and it does have final gather functions in it, they're just optional to fully path tracing. Look up how a ray tracer works.

>> No.379480

>that iray shill

>no sss
>infinite render times
>forced to have a shitty overpriced nvidia to use it
>shitty materials
get out.

>> No.379482
File: 371 KB, 1628x1014, im2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> babby tier vray
> not mental ray
Hulk, The Matrix Reloaded & Revolutions, Star Wars and Ironman 2 wants to have a word with you...

>> No.379488

>those shitty movies for a decade ago
sorry bitch, mental ray is a joke. it's way slower and with way less controls than vray. no serious person uses mental gay. sorry if vray is too much for you guys to handle. in the hands of a competent guy who isn't a complete retard like you kids, vray has proven what an amazing engine it is. Guess what renders Bertrand Benoit stills. Guess what rendered The third and the seventh. And for the paid nvidia employer: yeah, those gpu one-button solutions like iray sound cool, but in reality their are slow, broken and primitive. And i will never buy a 10000$ card to use iGay.

>> No.379490

Wrong on every point. Do you even have 3ds max.

>> No.379491

>And for the paid nvidia employer: yeah, those gpu one-button solutions like iray sound cool, but in reality their are slow, broken and primitive. And i will never buy a 10000$ card to use iGay.

What? Iray is way faster and more advanced than vray ever was.

>> No.379503
File: 14 KB, 240x200, laughing girlz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Movies that used Mental ray : Many movies which became fundamental classics
> Movies that used Vray at all : None
Look at this sad crybaby and laugh. No tears now kid. Maybe you will grow up some day to play with the big toys.

>> No.379513

That picture is a mental ray victory, not a vray one. Vray has its very own examples of greatness, but do your research my friend. Also, I think there's only one nigger who's constantly talking about iray here.

>> No.379514

> Also, I think there's only one nigger who's constantly talking about iray here.

There should be many more b/c its the best renderer available and its for free in god tier max.

>> No.379515


> Movies that used Vray at all : None

Not the anon your replying to but I can think of at least one movie rendered with Vray-- Real Steel. Im sure there are more but I don't know any off hand.

There are advantages to using both. Recognize it and live by it, kiddo.

>> No.379517

Not the anon your replying to but I was wondering why that movie CGI sucked so bad. Now I know.

>> No.379520

>Not the anon your replying to but I can think of at least one movie rendered with Vray-- Real Steel.

this wasnt even an animated feature, it was 99% real life and animatronics.

>> No.379528

no. that pic is rendered with vray, and has been the most popular post on evermotion for years.
>mental ray
>big toys
mental ray is babby first renderer. look at the professionals and tell me what's the most used renderer by them. only the kids on 4chan cares about mental ray

>> No.379530


> Movies that used Vray at all : None

You're so stupid I don't even feel sorry for you.

>> No.379531

>mental ray is babby first renderer. look at the professionals and tell me what's the most used renderer by them. only the kids on 4chan cares about mental ray

vray doesnt do anything well. Even the founder and president of gnomon school Alex Alvarez exclusively uses mental ray and he worked heavily on Avatar aka the most successful 100% cg movie of all time. You are probably that holodeck faggot anyways, nobody be fooled by this troll.

>> No.379538

Bunch of egodriven kids.
>my shiny virtual penis is bigger than yours.

>> No.379542

lmao this thread

>> No.379545

Your self-projection is cute, but we're merely discussing facts here, so new learners can choose to learn the best rendering engine for the long haul.
By far, vray is used by a lot of great artists, but Mental ray is used by hollywood-tier professional industry standard artists. I'm not shitting on Vray though. I used both and they are almost the same thing with subtle differences. But it doesn't really call for a huge internet fight.

>> No.379556
File: 483 KB, 1000x1200, 7333048056_a6f1e2e76e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vray doesnt do anything well
stopped reading here. you are an idiot who never worked and has no job so he has no money to buy a real software like vray. You kids are obsessed with mental because it's included in your free student version of Max, so that's all you got. The single settings tab of mental ray says a lot about how professional it is. People who actually work with this shit need to control everything, every minute is precious while working in the pipeline and the deadlines are absurdly tight. Vray let you control every single aspect of your rendering; no matter how minute and seemingly insignificant an option may be, you can set it as you like in Vray. But yeah, if you only do shitty renders of anime character to post on 4chan, using mental gay putting a random number in final gather (lol) is enough.

>> No.379557

LOL is that supposed to be bread? How can anyone think thats good unless they are legally blind? Vray, its a joke.

>> No.379558

Well, apparently Vray does do DOF.

>> No.379560

Blue, the company that produces cg trailers for games, uses VRay.

>> No.379559

glass, too. But, we figured out how to do glass a long long time ago and you can get the same glass with mental ray. That bread though....shocking

>> No.379561

Yeah well of course the renderer sucks because the guy who didn't is using a low res mesh for his bread.

Vray is competent and you'd be a fool for saying otherwise.

>> No.379562


>> No.379563

it looks to me like it can do glass, a ceramic material and dof. Its a piece of shit and you're better to use the free mental ray instead of paying thousands for vray licenses that do the exact same glass and ceramic.

You're a faggot.

>> No.379564

>low level trolling
go to bed kiddo

>> No.379565

"the guy" is bertrand benoit. do a better bread now.

>> No.379566

It's not a piece of shit. Mental ray is good but so is Vray. Especially when it comes to speed, configurability and ease of use. Those are the reasons why me and everyone else at the company I work for prefer to use Vray.

>> No.379569

what the fuck? How about you stop idolizing canadians like "Bertrand" and his diffuse bread like a faggot.

>> No.379581

Not the guy you're responding to, but he's one of the best arch viz guys out there.
I do agree that the bread could look better (it lacks geometry) but the rest of that render is beautiful.
And just because some dude doesn't make prettier bread than that doesn't mean that Vray is shit like someone in this thread seams to believe.

>> No.379582

>Not the guy you're responding to, but he's one of the best arch viz guys out there.
>I do agree that the bread could look better (it lacks geometry) but the rest of that render is beautiful.

He visualized a scene with some basic primitives that he put refractive glass onto and ceramic plates onto then used a blur likely in post although it could be in render. He fucked up the bread probably because he needs to get shit done aka hes doing shovelware and it shows

>> No.379584
File: 390 KB, 768x1024, 5462122275_673f532660_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basic primitives
Yeah, we're talking archviz here. I never said he was a great modeller even though he might be. I don't know.
Here's another Vray render of his that you or someone else probably will point at out as shit just like everything else good that gets posted on this bored.

>> No.379596

this is worse than the shitty bread one. At least that one had a focus with the DOF. This is just flat, nothing. This guys a hack yet you hero worship him like a faggot.

>> No.379601
File: 296 KB, 1200x700, classroom_flash_cam06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pacific Rim also heavily used VRay and Arnold, so there's that.

>> No.379602

ahhhh god tier arnold

>> No.379611
File: 53 KB, 639x409, modo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.379612
File: 75 KB, 477x639, blender + background photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have many respect for him for doing tutorials. its not something everyone can do. also we know a shit about his modeling. in tuts he does basic shit.

>> No.379613

>still following tutorials

>> No.379615

stop shitposting

>> No.379616

Impressive post.

>> No.379623

just kill yourself already. i bet you don't even have a portfolio.

>> No.379624

whos asking? holodeck fag or skyshop pistol fag?

>> No.379625


>> No.379626


>> No.379627

post wireframes or get out.

>> No.379632

you wont get my wireframes that easy. I dont just give them to any faggot.

>> No.379633

if you want to play with the big dogs you need to show some, bitch. this isn't a game. this is 3D. i literally own all of turbosquid just from showing the CEO my 3D sketchbook.

>> No.379671

just kill yourself you useless subhuman

>> No.379672

do a simple thing that even you niggers can do. go to google images and search for mental ray. then search for vray. the mental ray shit looks like it's streight from the 90's. Look at the character rendered with vray. Mental ray is nigger crap.

>> No.379694
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x1200, BreadTopS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

benoit is a god. his materialism tutorials are the best you will ever find. and they are free. Looking at the WIP threads here, I doubt any of could model just the glasses of this scene anyway.

>> No.379699

>you can't make glass

you are praising someone who can tweak refraction settings. try to be more reasonable before making baseless claims.

>> No.379706

Don't bother responding to this troll.

>> No.379707

nice metatrolling faggot.

>> No.379723

Hes a very weak artist that cant paint textures besides diffuse and spec maps. You hero worship him like a faggot because you're a very weak artist yourself, faggot. The fact that glass presets and simple diffuse objects are "godly" to you speaks volumes about your own work. Grow a pair

>> No.379727

Create half of what he does, then speak faggot. Buttmad jellyboys like you only know how to cry and try to degrade professionals works with psuedo critics.
How about you show your impressive works ? So we know you got the credentials to open your mouth. Stereotypical pussy faggots like you always make up excuses for not posting your works, so please make up yours, prove me right.

>> No.379731

Faggot, i dont hero worship canadians who render glass and diffuse bread and bagels then challenge others to recreate the scene before they can post about my canadian hero. You need to wait for your balls to drop because you're acting like a hero worshipping pre teen faggot.

>> No.379734
File: 45 KB, 300x400, into the trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hurrrr look at me guiyz i don't like professional artists look how cool i am
> too pussy to post works because they are all beyond shit

>> No.379741

Quality post

>> No.379744

there's nothing wrong with that scene. you never made anything better anyway. just claiming "it's shit" without explaining will mark your post as a troll attempt anyway, nigger.

>> No.379745

the fact that you use "faggot, it's shit" as an argument in everyone of your post shows that you are an underage fucktard and you should just kill yourself. the bread is perfect and it's made in zbrush, you can't even install those software anyway.

>> No.379746

>there's nothing wrong with that scene. you never made anything better anyway. just claiming "it's shit" without explaining will mark your post as a troll attempt anyway, nigger.

learn how to read, faggot. Its shovelware without a focal point showing babbys first refractive preset and hatchling level bread and bagels.

Your faggotry speaks for itself.

>> No.379747

>trying this hard

>> No.379749

Impressive, impressive post.

>> No.379750


>> No.379751

>resorting to saging and emoticons
>calling other anons childish
>defending low level canadian artists this hard

>> No.379760
File: 147 KB, 1072x1010, Keep Calm and Report.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get more fucking annoying and pathetic with your every new post, as long as you dont post your works. You obviously can't do crap with 3D, you don't have any works you can show to qualify you as a credible critic, and all you do is shitpost and degrade to personal attacks.
Just report this idiot. /3/ doesn't need shitposters like these.

>> No.379761

>posting about reporting instead of hiding the thread
>madly in love with Bertrand's dick

>> No.379895

looks like babby read the words shovelware and focal point somewhere and know he thinks it's cool to drop them around. go play with blender you retarded monkey.

>> No.379903

>Nothing of value to post except raging over the english language

Go cry yourself to sleep, faggot

>> No.379909

Rustling, buthurt and rustling.

>> No.380434
File: 29 KB, 400x226, Exercise Work Those Hammies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Hello /3/d So I have officially decided to use Maya for my main program to learn to model and animate with. I first went into art to learn to draw do figures and mech and the like. After taking 10 years to refine my artistic skills. I think I'm ready for the 3D stuff. And after a few weeks of looking, I decided Maya would be the best for me.

But I do have some lingering concerns. I plan to create 3D Hentai along side a 2D Hentai I'm making into a 13 episode "Anime" instead of then crappy 1 or 2 episodes Japan tends to shit out and leave things forgotten. I was wonder if any of you know if Maya is the main 3D tool used to create things like what Umero makes, or Dalmascan Night... ( Picture is from Dalmascan Night. )

I just am curious, what they use, render tools any other VFX stuff, for liquids and the like. And if not all was done in Maya, that's ok. I am not jumping around. I just hope someone can fill me in on it.
Thanks /3/ you have been a fun read for the last few months.

>> No.380435


wow... I just refreshed captia and it instead puts me into a random thread. Sorry. I can't delete. for some reason. posting new thread. Sorry.

>> No.380945

is this scene really bad, or it's just some faggot trolling? it looks great to me
>the bread is diffuse
yeah, and...? what's the problem?

>> No.380956

the problem is that dick-sucking over it is stupid. literally fucking zbrush sculpt a loaf then diffuse and set your lights in vray, and suddenly you're a "pro". it's like praising a well drawn apple. anybody with half a brain can do this without any real talent.

>> No.380959

It's not about the modelling, it's about the composition of it. The feel of it.
You can't create something half of amazing as that, so your crying has comedic value

>> No.380962

almost cut me with that fedora. kill yourself.

>> No.380963

Yup thats holodeck guy for you

>> No.381010

>so mad he can't come up with better insults than holodeck guy


>> No.381013

>tfw the only Softimage Arnold tutorial I can find is $60 for 2 hours, and there's no torrent on cgpeers

>> No.381016

>>so mad he can't come up with better insults than holodeck guy

theres nothing worse than being the /3/ holodeck guy. That faggot should just killhimself and do everyone a favor.

>> No.381305

who the fuck is holodeck guy?