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File: 1.86 MB, 600x1000, howthefuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
373395 No.373395[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, I was browsing the RoosterTeeth website one day out of pure boredom. I see their new series, RWBY, and decided to read a bit about it. Sounded like normal weeaboo attempts at anime. However, one thing in particular stood out to me.

Monty Oum and his 8 or so person team does not have a nude model. This picture is the base model of one of the characters with clothes and all. It's not like they never change clothes either, since in by the third episode they were already in their jammies.

How does someone fuck up so bad?

>TL;DR some faggot decided to create a CGI series with resources backing him and a team, doesn't have a nude model
>ITT: discuss this and other failures

>> No.373397

So, I was browsing the 4chan.org/3 website one day out of pure boredom. I see this new thread, and decided to read a bit about it. Sounded like normal weeaboo attempts at trolling. However, one thing in particular stood out to me.

Op and his 8 or so person team does not have anyone to troll. The unique traffic on the board is the op and three other characters with clothes and all. It's not like the number of unique ips ever changes number either, since in by the third episode they were already in their jammies.

How does someone fuck up a troll so bad?

>TL;DR some faggot decided to create a troll thread with resources backing him and a team, doesn't have anyone to troll
>ITT: discuss ops failure and other failures

>> No.373410


You guys are such a nice couple and there is a one in 5 chance that one of them is me. So yeah we are pretty much all fags. Let's make out!

>> No.373411


I've only got bacon lube, what about you?

>> No.373414

I fucking love bacon!

>> No.373429

>I fuck
yes please

>> No.373489

shit was made in Poser Pro.

>> No.373492

I don't get it, you sad there's no genitalia for you to fap too?

>> No.373499

>nude model
>must have genitalia and nipples
I hope you're kidding

>> No.373501

I still don't understand what your beef is with them not having a nude model. Pixar doesn't do nude models for most of their characters either.

>> No.373529

i think it's that they had multiple costumes involved and base mesh modeled them. somehow that's stupid? I dunno.

>> No.373540

4chan's top lewd thread

>> No.373837

This isn't Tomb Raider, bitches. The nude model is for reference when modelling the clothes, making sure they all look like they fit the same body type and such.

Probably doesn't matter too much with RWBY because they're all based from a generic model, so they could just generate a new one for new cloths. Otherwise those puffy shoulders would be a bitch to replace if there's nothing under there.

Also Pixar certainly have character nudes for reference and cloth/hair simulation.

>> No.373873

from what i understand, nude here doenst mean they have a cunt and tits, its that they just have a base model no clothing.

from what i gather, op said they changed clothing and thought that it would be a nightmare to change clothing if they dont have a "nude" version.

than fucking morons responded thinking "oh he wants pussy and tits to be fully modeled and detailed, what a pervert" and than we go what i see here...

am i missing anything?

>> No.373917

Would solid reference art by a consistent artist negate the need for a nude model?

>> No.373920

I think having a way to consistently model things would already be pretty far down on the list of things they have to fix. I watched a minute of episode four just then and I had a headache from the voice acting, I was seasick from the animation and I had a pain in my pancreas from the amount of weeaboo.

>> No.373923

what the op ment wasnt "nude" the way you are thinking, just think of a barbie doll, the clothing isn't unremovable. thats what op thought about this, that there was no base human figure under the cloths.

>> No.374767
File: 134 KB, 1187x1000, RWBYlegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they had a nude/base model it would cut down on a lot of time and prevent mishaps like the one in the pic

>> No.374770
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I don't know what you're talking about, there ain't nothing wrong with those proportions.

>> No.374771

Really? Upon watching RWBY the only thing that bothers you is that there may not be a base model? Are you fucking kidding me. You couldn't see how horrible the animation is? You haven't seen the holes in the environment geometry?

>> No.374779
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they gave Ruby another outfit and they messed up her height by about half a head.

I have. However, base models should of been created long ago. Their animation and such got somewhat better with the episodes.

>> No.374803

I'm more concerned about the generic as fuck plot.

>> No.374830

I might have actually been able to watch this series were the dialogue in Japanese. It makes campiness much easier to tolerate.

>> No.374891

I don't think they care much about plot. It's obviously a pure eyecandy show for stylized fighting scenes (with generic plot and standard weeaboo camp)

>> No.375160

You don't understand.

This is litterally the most generic thing I have ever seen.

It's like somebody watched 30 anime series and tried to mash them all together.

>> No.375168

>Monty Oum
ya nah.

>> No.375268

>Their animation and such got somewhat better with the episodes.

Nah, still pretty damn bad, i want to see some fighting... usually they aren't as bad as they are now.

>> No.375302


Seriously. It's pretty damn annoying how hard it tries to be an anime

>> No.375346

Even good anime fucking sucks I don't know what is wrong with Japan but they seem to have decided to completely ignore even the most basic understanding of things like anatomy and color theory.

>> No.375369
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How about this gap?

>> No.375371 [DELETED] 

>not rigging the fingers

>> No.375372
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>not rigging the fingers

>> No.375378
File: 32 KB, 647x358, qualuty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a preview for this years ago, so why are their assets so lacklustre? Fucking plain black character models to stand in for crowds?!

>> No.375394

Wait, is this real and not just a WIP shot? That's terrible.

I remember seeing the trailer for the series at the end of the last season of RVB. The one with the little red riding hood analogue killing all those wolves. The action looked cool but it felt so generic and over done. Oh look, her gun turns into a oversized novelty scythe for some reason? Oh look, the little girl is killing them all with ease. She did it so easily it was hard to root for her.

If one being can slaughter a field of creatures without breaking a sweat, who is really the monster?

>> No.375411
File: 66 KB, 722x404, QUALITY2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, this too.

Sadly, people somehow like this shit even though it's literally generic as fuck.

Geez, I don't want even want to look at the background. There's enough errors in the models already.

>> No.375423



this shit is so bad.
I've seen 13 y olds doing a better job with MMD.

>> No.375429

I need to pause the video just to breathe.

>> No.375476

Yes this is real, all background characters are just black, they didn't even try to make generic background characters, fuck. They could have just made characters with different colour schemes and blurred them, ANYTHING TOHER THAN BLACK WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER.

>> No.375478

They didn't even try, I've seen some terrible Source Filmaker videos that had more effort put into them than this shit.

>> No.375492



for real? Like their red Vs blue series?

>> No.375495
File: 5 KB, 164x152, 1371242568216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>cgi anime witn english voice actors and mocap
>mfw they try to act like in their favorite animus

>> No.375498
File: 97 KB, 696x462, 1366266645027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh wow its like my favorite rape game

these guys must love rapelay

>> No.375549
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Jesus fucking christ those backgrounds... Ive seen amateur GoldSrc-era maps that are designed, and lit better than that.


Same here. I mean this is quite literally the MegaTokyo of 3D. Just like how MegaTokyo tried so hard to be Love Hina, this tries to be Black Rock Shooter.

I mean this shit is getting ridiculous, like every fight all the way from Haloid, to RvB to this is the same fucking action scenes again and again.

>> No.375550

>not using supreme crowd simulation in 3ds max
Pleb levels: maximum

>> No.375561

The difference was that even though Megatokyo was weeaboo shit, it was well-done weaboo shit.

>> No.375584
File: 89 KB, 615x308, thoseeyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was well-done weaboo shit

13 bloody years later and the characters still look like something out of a middleschoolers sketchbook. I mean, holy fuck their eyes are still full retard. There is no excuse for this.

>sage in the namefield.

Top lel.

>> No.375586
File: 10 KB, 236x285, bale botox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this so fucking hilarious

>> No.375598


all of them

>> No.375686

You know it's funny how people here bash poser without ever having seriously used it or knowing how to animate.

99% of the modelers here are sub average to begin with, working long hours to model objects from scratch that have already been made thousands of times.

It's hilarious how the wannabes hate on the accomplished.

>> No.375695
File: 437 KB, 245x118, 1376981393141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're using Poser Pro to animate this shit

>> No.375696

The fuck even happened to RvB, I stopped watching that shit after grade 7 or 8. Then I go to college for 3D animation, and all the gamers are showing off how bad ass the fight scenes are in RvB. All I could do is shake my head and think 'What the fuck happened?'.

>> No.375723
File: 346 KB, 1023x1454, rwbymag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.375726

they're continuing to do whatever the fuck they want you tool

I stopped watching at season 4 but just because the show isn't for me anymore doesn't mean they're doing something wrong. they're hosting highly successful expos and are one of the more popular youtube channels. seems like they're doing a whole lot right.

>> No.375733

Popularity =/= Good
Get over yourself. Do you support RayWilliamJohnson too?

>> No.375734

popularity = profit
and sadly, they'll keep doing it if it gets them views and subscribers

>> No.375867

How does rigging even work in Poser?

>> No.375868


>> No.376062

Actually they use Poser Pro for modeling and capturing mo cap data.

They take the mo cap data and import it into Maya for adjustments. The guy was complaining a shit ton about Maya in one of their interview videos.

>> No.376090


>> No.376179

realism is an art movement to show the labourer's life you idiot. you're thinking of Naturalism. That's the "Accurate representation of existing things" movement.

>> No.376186


>> No.376250

mind linking that? sounds cringe worthy

>> No.376251

Wit you can model in poser?

>> No.376285

If so, it's probably garbage. I can't find anything that shows poser can be used as a modeling software, so I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.376292

On Twitter a while ago Monty posted a wireframe of some of the models and he was using Maya, so I assume they were modeled in Maya.

>> No.376294

It's funny, that's actually what they did. Monty gave the other animators "homework" to watch other animes.

>> No.376306

>Spend 5 minutes doing flashy stuff
>Final character shows up
>Do some final move thing that fatally wounds or damages the opponent(s) and effectively ends the combat
>Ask why she didn't just do that in the beginning

>> No.376319

Monty doesn't want you defiling his pure waifus

>> No.376326

and it's mostly generic shit animu like Naruto, Soul Eater, and Bleach

>> No.376394
File: 223 KB, 900x675, cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a professional journalist calling RWBY anime

>> No.376463

If I have to choose between this and VGHS, I'll go with VGHS.

>> No.376464

....Poser still suck.

>> No.376476

>mfw a fan trailer made in MikuMikuDance looks better

>> No.376477

How is this possible?

>> No.376519

I find the claim that was made in MMD highly dubious.

>> No.376536

So why doesn't he just animate in Maya?

>> No.376620

I think he uses motionbuilder and maybe poser. I was around when he made that halo/john woo type shit.

>> No.376624

It was made in MMD for a contest. dem nips, man.


in other news, this just happened:

>> No.376627


In other words "I don't want to learn how to animate properly and efficiently, I just want to move bones around and key them, fuck interpolation."

>> No.376644

his magnificent opinions on rendering

>> No.376719


>caring about nude models

you are the same /v/-retard who ask about nude models of Elizabeth

>> No.376722

>Japanese cartoons tries to be american cartoon
Paty and Stocking

>American cartoons tries to be japanese cartoon

America, what are you doing?

>> No.376725
File: 233 KB, 674x386, ルビはかわいいです.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should see their reactions on Nico.

>> No.376740

>Implying American animation aren't more developed and general for a broad global audience
There's a reason why Japanese anime is mostly high school kids being magical perverts that amazing things happen to or cute girls doing cute perverted things; it's popular and "in" for Japanese audiences.
Like it or not Disney and his competitors vastly leveled up their stuff for several decades while Japan was fortunate enough to have one or two people to copy them and be inspired and begin playing "catch up" while no one follows their lead and more generic anime takes the shelves.

He's probably really damn happy to be Asian and be a part of the west where his shlock stands out to other stranded otakus.

>> No.376775


>implying you won't port those base models in a babby animation software like MMD and make them dance or ride rodeo machines naked.

>> No.376787


>> No.376805

The fan content will be the best thing to come out of this show. I can't wait for the quality porn.

>> No.376807

just search pixiv or paheal.

there's already a lot

>> No.376887

oh! is this the thread where we bash on someone who is better than we could ever hope to be? alright! here i go!!!!.........

yeah.....take that you suckish amateur. Your animations suck and you should feel bad. How dare you spend your time doing something you like and get paid for it while i sit here on my ass and complain about how a hack like you can make it in a industry that i don't know anything about.

>> No.377013

The last air bender wasn't bad.

>> No.377031

kill yourself

>> No.377166

>gets paid to do shitty work
>must be better than us

>> No.377188

>Be Adam Sandler
>Scam thousands of dollars from investors
>Pay myself and my broskis millions
>Never break 15% of the investors cash on the actual film budget
>Better film maker than we could ever hope to be
>Jack and Jill

>> No.377190

>calling a hollywood star a scammer

captain obvious to the rescue guys. make way.

>> No.378699

no shit

>> No.378894

>Implying just because you get paid, your work must be good.
This must be a great movie too.

>> No.378906
File: 73 KB, 343x400, jew goy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys need to stop being anti-semetic and give your shekels to more hollywood millionaires.

>> No.379094


>> No.379207


They didn't even make the models themselves OP, they ripped it from kind of make your own girl animu game.

>> No.379221

This character design is fucking garbage, the worst out of all of them imo.

>> No.380265

So wait, are the RWBY rigs actually available on the roosterteeth website? Cause if so I'll go nab em right now and get them ALL NUDE AND FUCKIN

>> No.380298

>Not using the 3D rotation as reference for your own model, textures, rigging and and doing a better job animating it on top of all that to one up their shit standards.

>> No.380508

not available, but Monty has all of the model rotations on his deviantart if you want to create your own.

>> No.380528
File: 488 KB, 225x203, 1370668106881.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's 100% fullbright as well

>> No.380911

Monty Oum can only make action scenes and that's fucking it. RWBY is a perfect example of shitty animation and writing. It stumps me that this show has gotten so popular. The only reason it hasn't been sued by Square Enix for ripping off FF8 is because its an internet show. . . .3d animated show that has THE worst casual animation of anything I've ever seen. Seriously, every time characters are out of combat they turn into stick men.

>> No.380923
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>> No.380941


actually i think most of the non combat scenes are mo-capped with some shitty kinect or something.

>> No.380953

.....It's worse than I thought D:

>> No.381018
File: 108 KB, 637x815, edgetastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed. they mo-cap most of the shit. mo-cap can be pretty good but they use it just to shortcut shit. that's why they usually don't edit the clipping or make the background clearer despite Monty saying "lel sometimes i go 4 too much detail ;)"

>> No.381019

man i want to spank dat ass

>> No.381021

>Shane dying on live TV
>Monty actually wears that wig in public
>lol it must be weird for all these guys to be walking around like girls and animating them in the motion caps!
>Grrrl power!

>> No.381026
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>> No.381844
File: 490 KB, 657x541, fwsfwf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking elbows, man. I want to like it so bad but every thing about this outside of the fight scenes (and even those are rough around the edges) is so...unprofessional.

It really doesn't deserve the ridiculous amount of popularity it has.

Oh, and take a gander at this.