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/3/ - 3DCG

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364186 No.364186 [Reply] [Original]

A few moments ago, a video featuring a man by the name of Aaron Weiss was posted on the /k/, the Weapons Board.
Aaron spoke up for what many of us on /k/ believe in, and did so honestly and eloquently. Some of us want to give him a medal, or at the least a badge to signify what he did.
That is where you come in, /3/.
We humbly request that you help us out by making a 3D model of a badge or medal to mail to Aaron Weiss. One of us with a 3D printer has volunteered to print it out, if it is in .stl format.
Please, /3/.
We're counting on you.

>> No.364187

Email me details and I'll see what I can do

>> No.364190

Thank you, my friend.

>> No.364192

>Not posting the video


>> No.364195


I'll be sure to start a thread when I mail the item to him.

My 3D printer has a 10x10x12 inch build area btw.

>> No.364196

>Please don't send him a printed out medal. He's not going to get it and just think it's weird. I bet he'd appreciate a well written letter about how you appreciate his voice more than a trinket from some internet group he's never heard of that he'll think is populated by 10 year olds

>> No.364198

agreed. This will be embarrassing

>> No.364216


I already responded to that, there will of course be a letter to go along with the item.

>> No.364220
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We should include this with the medal since our pockets will already be overflowing with it if we follow through with this.

>> No.364230

>Clear correlation between less access to guns and less suicides/homicides.
>Still doesn't think guns should be kept out of the hands of the average citizen in modern day society because "I ned tuh fight muh governments".

Norway says hi, and that we need to get our shit together and stop being such selfish idiots.

>> No.364232

America is delusional and collapsing.

>> No.364236

>Clear correlation between less access to guns and less suicides/homicides.

>> No.364241

Look up the international statistics by country of homicide/suicide rates and look at how the countries where guns are banned, are at the lowest, and the ones with the easiest access are at the highest. It's a very clear a definite trend.

>> No.364243

>hurr there is a correlation, despite there being no correlation
please show me the data that shows how england, california, australia, etcetera's homicide per 100,000 went down because of a firearm ban
>hurr but gun deaths went down! the fact that the homicide or suicide rate didn't change means nothing!
also wrong; the gun homicide rate went up, then stabilized back to previous levels in england after their gun ban and the strict laws limiting self defense
>hurr muh safe society!
the UN considers England to have a worse violent crime problem than south africa; based on retooled numbers done by the UN that eliminate that "hurr but dey report violent crime differently because reasons" clarion call to absolve britbongistan of all those stabbings, robberies, and people being chopped up with cleavers in the street by muslims.
>hurr but da assault wepin ban in 94 did a single thing to effect crime
wrong; no effect on crime according to the CDC, since criminals do not follow laws. It sure didn't stop the guys at columbine from getting a AWB illegal Tec9 pistol from a guy in the ghetto

Brevik much? Also, enjoy your sandnigger invasion; thanks for letting our shared northern european culture get raped by unfettered immigration by militant fundamentalist muslims.

>somalia, where guns are illegal, is the safest country in the world; same goes for most of south africa, east asia, and South america, where guns are strictly regulated or outright illegal
>britain is not the crime capital of the EU because it's handgun ban totally works

>> No.364244

So countries that have no guns have lower levels of homicide by gun. What about knives, beatings, and other methods?

>> No.364247
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>> No.364248

we are gonna send him a towel


>> No.364249

working on bronze star based model

>> No.364250

wasn't funny on /k/, still isn't funny here

>> No.364251


LOL'D should send him like the arab headgear

>> No.364253

The overall count is down, due to the portion of homicides/suicides with guns being almost entirely diminished. Sure, people still get murdered on the rare occasion or kill themselves, but it's a lot lower without the guns. You can run from a knife or fist, you can't run from a bullet. Guns allow a person to easily kill multiple people with the simple pull of a trigger, it's not right to give that sort of power to any ol' citizen.

You're using cultural issues and poor enforcement in some countries as an argument, which is wrong. Does making guns illegal itself solve the problem? Hell no, but it's one of the steps. You need to improve the health of your society, you need more socialized programs that keep people from ending up in bad life situations that lead to mental illness or idiotic behavior and then into killing. People ending up in gangs, people being outcasted, people growing up in broken homes with drug addicted or abusive parents, people not getting a good education, etc... But we all know there are too many "socialism is fer nazi's u communist" people in Murika, so we aren't going to fix the health of USA society any time soon. Much stricter access to guns is the only feasible solution to help try and reduce it for now. If you don't have any mental illnesses or serious criminal backgrounds, you have nothing to worry about. And if you do, you shouldn't fucking have guns.

>> No.364256

>still ignoring the fact that gun bans had no effect on homicide rates in european countries after they decided the peasants did not need weapons, in some cases increasing them due to gutting self defense laws and the populace's ability to defend itself

may your chains set lightly upon you

>> No.364258

Rofl, that's not an "arbitrary measurement", it's a percent by population, thus "population adjusted" as the fucking image even asks for.


Sort by population adjusted rate number.
Now compare it to this list:

>> No.364261

Even though murder rates are down drastically in the UK, despite what the other poster said. And murder rates went down extremely in Australia after guns were entirely banned.

Herp derp:

>> No.364265


EU research > uk "research"

>> No.364267
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Norway stop shitposting, this is /3/, not /int/.

>> No.364268

>Tuesday, August 1st, 2000.
Nice try bud.

>> No.364270

>implying britain magically started reporting all those chav stabbings and simultaneously "lowered" their crime rate

>> No.364272

>Implying this will never change and thus statistics about the UK are useless.

The article I posted is from 2 months ago. The olympics happening in London definitely would have helped push for large scale change to clean up the society. Not to mention the studio looks at various countries surrounding it as well.

>> No.364273

>An estimated 1.4m crimes are going unrecorded by the police every year partly because officers bend the rules to exaggerate their success, government inspectors have discovered.

>Police officers have been found grossly to misrepresent and massage crime statistics to improve their detection rates while downplaying the number of offences committed.

>Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary found that 24 per cent of crimes reported to the police in 11 forces examined were not recorded as offences. Some forces required hard evidence that there had been an offence before recording it as such. One force was found to have recorded only about half the crimes reported to it.

yeah, they definitely stopped doing this as a way to lower the crime rate and instead actually lowered the crime rate. why someone hasn't be chopped apart by meat cleavers in the street in.... 2 months?
>big success!

>> No.364275
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20 min in a real design program
>nice to see /3/ continue to not be able to make things

>> No.364277

And again, you're making an assumption that improvements could never be made. Your opinion of what the cops are doing is not fact. The fact of the matter is, this is what the current day statistics are, you can't use personal opinion as fact to argue otherwise.

Also, as I've already said, it's more than just banning guns, you have to improve the societal structure, not to mention there is a tonne of corruption in the UK government.

>> No.364278

>british reports saying british crimes statistics are habitually falsified
>UN reports call britain is the crime capital of europe
you're sheeping out pretty hard right now bro

>> No.364287

There's nothing sheep about it. It's sticking to what are considered facts, not personal assumptions. And as I've explained, it doesn't matter if the UK does have a high rate, or even if it was higher than the US (which it most definitely isn't), because guns being banned isn't the only factor to reducing violence and crime.

>> No.364298
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Here you go OP.

>> No.364339

>Helping /k/
Hahaha, no.

>> No.364348

lol Australia's rates really did go down, so bad example.

>> No.364394

You are golden haha

>> No.364439
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>guns being banned isn't the only factor to reducing violence and crime.
>but lets ban guns instead of doing those things that could actually have an effect on the crime rate
so the fact that stiffer firearm crime penalties actually have a positive effect on the crime rate means nothing because we don't have to ban guns to do it?
>30% reduction by putting people in prison instead of disarming law abiding citizens

>but these numbers are legitimate, despite british government admittance to corruption and institutionalized under reporting to keep the serfs from knowing the depth of britbongs violence problem!
sheep/10 mate

except it didn't, it increased

>In 2002 — five years after enacting its gun ban — the Australian Bureau of Criminology acknowledged there is no correlation between gun control and the use of firearms in violent crime. In fact, the percent of murders committed with a firearm was the highest it had ever been in 2006 (16.3 percent)
>In 2006, assault rose 49.2 percent and robbery 6.2 percent.
>Sexual assault — Australia’s equivalent term for rape — increased 29.9 percent.
>Overall, Australia’s violent crime rate rose 42.2 percent.

and since you fags are (as per usual) useless, this is what got mocked up in my free time

>> No.364440
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>> No.364441
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>> No.364443
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>> No.364444
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>and the Bloomberg Medal for statism

>> No.364446

>so the fact that stiffer firearm crime penalties actually have a positive effect on the crime rate means nothing because we don't have to ban guns to do it?
That's not what I said at all, you dunce. I said it's not the ONLY FACTOR. You have to do ALL of that shit. Just because you want to shoot shit, does not make it wise for every citizen to be walking around with mass murder weapons in their pockets. How is that at all healthy for society? We shouldn't live in fear of eachother, we should be building trust.

>30% reduction by putting people in prison instead of disarming law abiding citizens
Putting people in prison doesn't solve the problem, it just causes more money to be spent on keeping people alive in a prison, instead of tackling the issue of how they ended up committing that crime. Easy access to guns often being one of them. And the culture that has developed around guns in bad neighborhoods.

And yeah, keep ignoring the rest of my arguments about the UK situation. He used a fucking article from 13 years ago. That is a long ass time. And again, if you don't want to believe in that statistic, then you no right to claim yours would be any more valid, "gun sheep".

Norway, Norway, Norway, Norway. So fuck off.

>and since you fags are (as per usual) useless, this is what got mocked up in my free time

Except >>364298 already provided a quality medal for him, with the STL file. Take it or leave :)

>> No.364449

there was a confirmed 30% reduction in violent crime in florida

the '94 assault ban, australian gun control, and britbong gun control have had a big fat 0% effect on the violent crime trend of said countries.
>bu...bu...bu...we still need to ban da guns because muh civilized society
it doesn't do anything to the crime rate; the somalis in your country have guns despite them being "illegal" without licensing
>the overall probability that a person living in Norway would be convicted for a felony was increased by about 0.5 percentage points for the immigrant compared to non-immigrant populations for felonies committed in the years 2001-2004. The incidence was especially high among immigrants from Kosovo, Morocco, Somalia, Iraq, Iran and Chile, and reached more than 2% in all these groups. In comparison, the incidence in the non-immigrant population was about 0.7%.[24]
>In 2010, a spokesperson for the Oslo Police Department stated that every case of assault rapes in Oslo in the years 2007, 2008 and 2009 was committed by a non-Western immigrant.[25] This picture has later been nuanced, as only perpetrators in the solved cases were counted, and 4 of the victims in the 16 unsolved cases described the perpetrator as being of Norwegian ethnicity.[26]
>of 131 individuals charged with the 152 rapes in which the perpetrator could be identified, 45.8% were of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin while 54.2% were of Norwegian
you lack of guns doesn't seem to be stopping that whole "rape capital of europe" thing or from your minority communities to get weapons to commit crimes.

>> No.364453

No shit, because the criminal underground is still so strong in this world, and so many other countries have easy access to guns, which then flow into the countries that have them banned. But not banning them in any countries isn't going to fix it. The more places that do it, the more that will follow. Eventually gun production will be restricted to military and drugs will be decriminalized and controlled so that crime rings have nothing to profit from.

>> No.364458
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also, norway is no. 11 in the world for private firearm ownership and about 1/10 people legally owns firearms
>bu..bu..bu..muh safe society devoid of evil gunz!

and unbeknownst to you, there is self defense laws on the books in your country
>maybe if they were better, breivik wouldn't have been able to murder all those people

>i want to ban all metals because they can be used to make evil guns
your utopian fantasies are not based in reality; we can either make the world full of rainbows and unicorns (about as realistic as removing technology that has been around for 600 years from human memory) or we can combat crime through proven methods that actually reduce crime

in every country where people have been disarmed, crime goes up exponentially (england, australia, D.C., Chicago, Californai, etc.)
>unless the government just starts executing millions of political dissidents now that they are not armed.

>> No.365975

Holy shit, that diagram is one I drew ages ago. I don't remember posting it on 4chan, so I never imagined it would find its way here.

>> No.365987

>star not actually connected to the frame

Good going with your "real design program"

>> No.365993

i would love to see crime on crime (gangs killing gangs) taken out, just because at least in america that skews the statistic a bit. not sure about other countries.

>> No.366012
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>> No.366093

>Doesn't create enough divisions for smooth edges.
>Doesn't bevel the hard edges.
>Mesh parts probably aren't even physically joined so it won't print right..

>> No.366097
File: 83 KB, 800x600, t3apots_medal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bo-hoo someone modeled something on /3/
>is not fuckoptimized for hurr-durr
>mah 3d printer is shit and need special cuddle
>ima trolling with text cuz i ain´t no 3d artist

>> No.366109

I made the "Major Douche" medal bro, so I clearly am.

I'm annoyed by CG nubs who don't understand that unless you're making something for a game, smooth that shit out. There is no reason not to, and it takes almost no damn effort to do. Do shit right, or don't do it at all. Don't post a model for someone to use for 3D printing, and then tell them they are wrong for wanting it modeled correctly for 3D printing, that's idiotic.

>> No.366153

> unless you're making something for a game, smooth that shit out
It´s a MEDAL, retard. Deforming it to 12909871238736 polys will only make it unusable, but since your medal to anon was "MAJOR DOUCHE" you clearly weren't expecting nobody to print anything, were you?

>> No.366165

>the same thing as subdividing
Hey guys I'm going to make a cylinder for 3D printing but it isn't going to be round.
You might as well have used a hexagon as a base.

>> No.366171

You're both retarded as fuck for arguing about the real world validity of objects you plebs create with some shit software that isn't even CAD.

Just so you know, anyone that actually creates anything for the real world cringes and laughs at even the thought of "smoothing" an object and you should feel bad about this.

>> No.366175

>cares about spending hours perfecting the print instructions for his geometry
>only saves a few seconds of actual printing time using this "optimized file".
>doesn't realize some people want to print things a little more interesting than perfectly smooth, inorganic CAD objects.

It's called "subdividing", you pleb. And no, it's perfectly usable, the file was only 21mb (mainly because there was fine sculpted detail I wanted to retain, 3D printing software isn't going to choke on that haha. Also, nobody is asking you to subdivide it to millions of polys, just enough so it will actually look like a fucking circle when you print it, not 32 polygonal faces.

>you clearly weren't expecting nobody to print anything, were you?
No shit Sherlock, how did you figure that one out? But I still did supply a file that was optimized enough for printing.

>> No.366251
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>>you clearly weren't expecting nobody to print anything, were you?
>No shit Sherlock, how did you figure that one out? But I still did supply a file that was optimized enough for printing.