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351121 No.351121 [Reply] [Original]

normally i would tell newfags to fuck off or read the sticky, but i'm very bored..

ask anything

>> No.351126

I hope you already know how slow this board goes.

I have two questions;

1. are point + click games using 3D environments easy to make? and which engine to use?
I want to try and make an entry level point+click to sell for cheap online, got some good ideas, but don't know where to start yet.

2. If I want to get into 3D as a career, do I need to learn to sculpt?

>> No.351131

i'm not a professional, so i'll answer the best i could.

1. making a game isn't easy. that's why even big studios (not hobbyists) use game engines to remove some of the chores. if you don't have a team, i suggest you buy Starcraft 2. it comes with a handy editor and most other things are already taken care of. the only downside is their custom games interface is fucked and your game will have little chance of succeeding, but it'll be a great experience.

2. "3D as a career" is vague, do you want to work in 3d visualization? then you don't need sculpting at all. game creation? maybe but not necessary. 3D animation? even casual modeling isn't essential.

if i'm not mistaken, 3D employers usually look for people with specific skills, not men of all trades.

>> No.351133
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>if you don't have a team, i suggest you buy Starcraft 2. it comes with a handy editor and most other things are already taken care of. the only downside is their custom games interface is fucked and your game will have little chance of succeeding, but it'll be a great experience.

>> No.351177


I might be able to give a better answer.

1. It depends. Point 'n' click games are the easier kind of games. Technically you don't even need to use a game engine, you can make a point 'n' click game using webpages.
Do you ant the game to be fully 3D, or have 3D rendered images, or 2D images with 3D characters?

There are several game engines freely available to make point 'n' click games with a varying degree of difficulty.

- GameMaker Studio
- Adventure Game Studio (AGS)
- Blender has an integrated game engine using easy to use logic bricks.
- Unity

2. You have to ask yourself what kind of 3d artist you want to be. There are several specializations, with some overlap. You have vehicles, weapons or objects artists who specialize in hard surface modelling and character or environmental artists who focus on organic modelling. it helps if you know the basic principles of both. It is good to know one of the most used programs like 3ds Max or Maya. For organic modelling Zbrush is often used. Then comes the creating of materials and textures, which can also be a specialization as a texture artist, for example. But this is mostly 2D work.

Personally I'd say that knowing how to sculpt is always useful to be an effective artist.

>> No.351337

Thanks for the reply

Probably pre-rendered scenes to play with/start with, then see if it needs other elements or characters. Haven't gotten really indepth with it it.

Alright, I was aiming to learn as much about every aspect, but I guess I should really focus on a specialty. At the moment i'm forced to do interiors because of classes i'm taking, but I prefer character modelling, so I might start doing that again in spare time. I'll watch some tutorials on scultping and play around with sculptris tonight.

>> No.351338
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I'm new to this board, and i mainly come here to ask a single question. I am grateful, sir, that you made this thread.

My question is i need a babbys first 3d program. Mostly so i can make simple things for 3d printing. I used to have tinkercad.com, which was perfect for my skill level, but they dropped it completely.

What would you recommend for me to use now?

pic related, its some /tg/related stuff ive made using tinkercad.com intended for 3d printing.

>> No.351361

Holy fuck, it has taken me this long to realise the potential for 3D printing, which has been summed up in one simple image.

I love you man.

Also, is sketch-up still around, or a viable option for what you are doing?

I would suggest blender only because it's free, and I haven't used any design tier programs.

>> No.351363

I tried Blender, but it's too advanced for me. I'm looking for something really simple to use. I'm not trying to make 3d movies here, i'm just doing fun low-resolution toys and games specifically for 3d printing. At this point it can't handle high resolution stuff.

Is google sketch-up easy to use? If so, can it make files for 3d printing (like stl files) or is that something i need to buy?

>> No.351368

how do i upgrade from a god damned mobile intel graphics card using MMD to something better for amateurs like me?

>> No.351371

pirate max and maya, i think both of them are very easy to learn to use
sketchbook i have used and seems simple enought, i tried a very early version and felt somewhat limited, they might have improved
ZBrush is also good, tho their idea of gui is a bit weird

>> No.351378

I already know max and maya are beyond me. They are meant to be powerful programs, like blender. Again im not looking for something powerful. Im looking for a program that works off a simple grid and shapes. If it's meant to create beutiful 3d renders, it's not what im looking for.

Ill look more into sketchbook and zbrush though.

>> No.351382

This is to give you an idea of what im used to, and the simplicity im looking for. I know you guys are used to using things much more powerful, so i may be asking the wrong place.


>> No.351387
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I'm only here to ask, why would anyone newfag this shitty excuse for a board?

>> No.351388

try anim8or

>> No.351392

There was a similar question in some other thread some time ago.


Two programs which were mentioned are Gmax and Metasequoia Free Version

>> No.351397

Art of illusion is the mspaint of 3d.

It's shit, but it's simple and relatively easy to use/

>> No.351399

Yo yo yo mayafag here. I got some Q's.

When rendering with maya software, how do I render out a mesh with smoothing activated? I know I can do it with mental ray, but with mental ray I can't use toon outlines or shaders.

>> No.351400

Should i switch from vray to arnold?

>> No.351425
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being focused will increase your chances of getting a career. however, i just want to mention that there have been successful solo or semi-solo game developers in recent years. so it is possible to make a game by yourself, but you need a LOT of patience and dedication. i suggest watching 'indie game' the movie

it's hard to suggest a 3d program that's easy for babbys that doesn't suck. i heard good things about sketchup but i haven't tried it myself. to answer this question, you really need to use at least a few programs and see which one you like best. i personally used Wings3d at some point and it's dead simple to use, but that comes at a cost of working inefficiently. meaning you'll spend a lot of time to model something simple. it's also focused on modeling with very little attention (if at all) to texturing and rendering.

pick one

i no nothing about maya

impossible to answer with no context

>> No.351429

metasquoia free version
art of illusion

Great suggestions guy, i think i have my question answered. I will research all these and i should find what im looking for within this list. Thanks again!

>> No.351431
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Might as well ask here instead of making thread. Is this tab a good starter for learning to use zbrush???

pretty strapped for cash and looks quite good

>> No.351436 [DELETED] 

I made an eclipse in 3ds and turned into a cylinder with extrude, But I want to expand both sides?

What modifier do I use?

>> No.351437


Hi. I'm pretty interested in 3D as a career. For the modeling. And colleges I can look at?

>> No.351444 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 640x480, 1249033060287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made an eclipse in 3ds and turned into a cylinder with extrude, But I want to expand both sides?

What modifier do I use?

>> No.351447


Two deleted posts in between mine, so I thought I'd bump

>> No.351459

got intuos one, its like fucking magic
once you start you will never be able to come back
heres my shit so im not like talking out of my ass >>350434

>> No.351460

>pretty strapped for cash

You are a dumbass. He said he is a starter.

>> No.351461


>> No.351463

I rendered an animation for somebody, but he says it won't play all the way and freezes sony vegas.

It plays fine on my end.

Is there something in the render settings I may have screwed up on?

>> No.351503


I wouldn't say they are beyond you. Just need to learn one incrementally. Focus on learning the navigation controls and simple modelling techniques first. Go from there.

>> No.351504

You need to apply the smooth modifier then delete history.

>> No.351505

depends on where you live.

>> No.351521

When making low poly characters, how important is it to keep the model seemless? Like is it ok to have the arms no connected to the body, etc?

>> No.351526

Yes it's fine, as long as you don't see the seams where it's disconnected, for example if the character was wearing some sort of vest that covered that disconnected area. Or another case would be making hair with polygons planes that aren't actually connected to the head.

>> No.351536

downloaded 3ds max, can you recommend a good tutorial for learning how to use it and how to model?

>> No.351540

How new to 3d are you?

>> No.351542

As new as you can get, I haven't even opened the program yet

>> No.351544


I'm not an expert myself, but I know my way around max and have a good understanding of 3d.

Add me on steam and feel free to message me if you have questions.

And you will. I wouldn't reccomend starting with max, but it's better than blender, at least.

/3/ jabberwockxeno

>> No.351545

thanks for the offer, but I'm just a little to shy for a 1 on 1, non-anonymous conversation

>> No.351547

Fair enough.

I'm assuming you know what vertices/edges/tris/quads/polys/faces are already.

>> No.351550

Digital tutors intro to 3d app courses are nice. Basically digital tutors is amazing for introducing you to anything, other tutorial sites are good for learning new things within those things you learned.

>> No.351555
File: 413 KB, 1920x1080, kraken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey Op can you help me out? I've been trying to deform a figure to get a bit of a curve on it but cant figure out how. been looking for some tutorials but can't find what i need.

>> No.351556
File: 208 KB, 1000x750, Final-Fantasy-XI-Kraken-Club-Replica1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much what I'm trying to do

>> No.351559

Create Deformers>Non-Linear>Bend.
A little CV line will appear, click it and edit its attributes to set the level of curvature. You can rotate it to adjust the direction or position of the curvature.

>> No.351563

Not guy you responded to, but thanks for that tool tip. I knew it would exist somewhere but haven't needed it yet, only been using maya for a few months.

>> No.351562

so simple it makes me feel stupid. thanks a bunch bro

>> No.351567

1) How far can one get with free tutorials?

2) I have about a month to YARR everything without fear. I'm already having my eyes on Vaughen's Digital Modeling. What are some other must-have books if I wanna create AAA-quality assets for games all by myself?

>> No.351568
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I can pitch in answers if anyone wants to shoot Q's toward an animator (mostly 3d though i have done a bit of 2d). I usually roam the board daily or every other when I get home.

>> No.351569

1) You can master the subject.

2) None, the open internet is a one shop stop.

Just learn the basics, practice tirelessly and join forums and read trough the discussions between the top tier artists to gain insight into how they think.

>> No.351614

Sup /3/
I've been prop modelling for a while now and I have a pretty good handle on it, I think.

I'd like to get into relatively low-poly character modelling though. Any tips/advice/whatnot?

>> No.351641

how did you become an animator?

>> No.351749

Research cartooning, I think. Proper use of exaggeration and cartooning especially. Even if you want to make realistic low poly models, this will inform your construction descisions.

>> No.351807

That's immensely broad, like asking how to draw. I got into it because of various interests being combined, drawing daily (even though I do digital) and plenty of study/practice both independently and at school

>> No.351851
File: 57 KB, 500x298, Bouncing_Ball3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the 2D side:
What's what you wish you knew back when you started as an animator?
How did you got your first job as an animator?
Things you did right and wrong as a begginer.
And what would you consider is the basic skillset an animator should have?
Where should a beginer be looking for work?
I'm more of a 2D animator myself (amateur), and I've done a tiny lil bit of 3D, like the very basics, should I dig deeper into it?

>> No.351877
File: 266 KB, 1079x788, 12307ev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foundational drawing skills, being a great draftsmen is huge so great hand eye coordination while drawing, accurate proportion, anatomy, perspective. Everything you get from constant life drawing, keep a sketchbook at all times, draw in it daily wherever you are.

My first job contacted me actually because I had been messing around with 3d animation in Maya enough to have a "reel" I tossed it online and it was noticed by a small game company.(this is pretty rare, I just got lucky though the more you get yourself out there and socialize/network the more likely it will happen once people like you and your work).

Umm right and wrong, I guess right for me was never going "I want to be an animator" I started out in photography (still do it) and got into editing/after effects etc. Everything has been natural progression of exploring and learning until I found what I loved and easily mastered. I have had many friends realize they hate animation and love rigging/modeling/compositing etc. As far as what I did wrong, I guess not spending time honing my skills like I should of. I had a slow start and looking back it's something anyone can do now. A simple 20-30 book like Animator's Survial Kit and a stack of paper is all you need to start practicing fundamentals or even better photoshop layers or actual animation software.

Well when I look for animators to work with or collaborate a key aspect is personality actually, I could have a hell of a talented person on the team but if they are a dickhead I wouldn't want to bother. Animators should have firm grasps of the fundamentals of course, humility and flexiblity. Understand that you are making things for a client, it's not what your creativity and ideas desire (sometimes works out that way).

My friend Chris did a really awesome podcast covering the sort of things you seek, has some new up and rising talent interviewed as well.


>> No.351880
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when you are looking for work initially have low expectations and be fantastic to work with on anything. I am strongly against unpaid work as are most of my peers, I understand needing reel content or "networking" though you are better off doing 11 second club each month for those.

Basically I started looking for small gigs, media companies making commercials, website ads, student films, indie films, web splash animations and product promos. In my area craigslist even has posts at least 2-3 times a week for animators,most paid though very broad amounts from jack to decent hourly/shot/project rates. Notice I didn't mention studios, you don't start out shooting for Pixar, Dreamworks, ILM, etc that is retarded and unrealistic aside from internships. You build a monument from the ground up and in this industry you are selling yourself in the same manner, start small, make friends and always have quality work that speaks volumes before a client even sees your face.

>> No.351883

time to prove it and show work m8

>> No.351885

what R&D stands for in that image?

>> No.351906

research and developement (me guess)

>> No.351907

How can I rig a character to walk where their feet will hit the topology of the floor? I'd like to make a one-size-fits-all animation for walking on bumpy, smooth or incline surfaces.

>> No.351997


New York City

>> No.352321

You are clearly guessing wrong. However I don't have an answer either. But any research and stuff would go at the very beginnings.

>> No.352364

Modify>convert>smooth mesh preview to polygons

I have a question. Game assets, what maps do models need? For unreal or unity for example. Color, bump/normal, specular and what else? AO?

How to determine proper texture size - it's better to have UVs of multiple objects in one bigger file, or multiple files even for small stuff like trash bins and cola cans?

>> No.352375

Thank you for taking your time to answer my questions.

polite sage

>> No.352528

What laptop do you recommend for light 3D modeling/rendering? Not have to be an industry-ready machine, just enough to learn alot in school but stable enough to model/render/map/ etc. Thanks! Sorry if this is a bother.

>> No.352529

Do you have any tips for modelling cheap trees?

>> No.352530

i believe there is a script for each program
for blender, there is tree generator
for 3dsmax, there is tree factory

>> No.352533

>Current assignment at school is to make a survival horror game in udk.
>Have a month to do it but am a pretty advance student with experience in modeling and art prior.
>Default gameplay is FPS or simple mode which entails generally nothing in front of you in first person.

If I wanted to change the gameplay to support objective puzzle solving while being chased (Think Amnesia and SlenderMan) in UDK, how would I go about that? So far I've been looking into trigger events and possible spawn kits, but I'm guessing I'll need to re-mesh/re-animate and re-define the kits uses in kismet or even matinee? This will really only be a demo that highlights my UV texturing and modeling abilities but I'd still like to go the extra mile and make it something fun.

>> No.353045


Are there any tutorials like this for Maya or other programs? I realize there are lot of tutorials that cover the basics, but I mean ones that go really fast over everything that will allow you to do basic operation inside the program. Most people who do tutorials for basics either feel they need to take the time to explain everything extremely thoroughly or go very slow, or even split basic functions into different videos.

I'm trying to learn some Maya right now but so far I haven't found anything like this. At this point I'm just searching the Maya user's manual, which may not be a bad thing.

>> No.353046

I also wanted to ask, in Maya is it possible to create morphs(blendshapes, vertex morphs, shape keys, whatever word you want to use) for a mesh and then subdivide that mesh while preserving the morphs? In Blender, shape keys are more or less destroyed during subdivision, which is a huge problem for me.

>> No.353065

Hey guys, I think this is my first time posting here. Anyways, I want to get into 3D printing, it's mainly used with CAD, right? Would you suggest any books/videos on the material? Also do you guys even like CAD/consider it relevant? Because I mainly see Maya stuff here.
Also what are the free and open source suggested 3D softwares out there?

>> No.353066


>> No.353083

It depends on what your trying to do with it

>> No.353112

A masterpiece. The reason we, as a species, developed digital media.

>> No.353151

I don't like to ask for things, but can someone convert this to a maya file or an obj and reupload it to mediafire or whatever?
It's a nude female model, and I honestly want it because I'm trying to learn how the legs, buttocks and groin work together, topology wise.

I tried to make one in zbrush recently and it looked like ass. Bad ass, not actual ass. Low quality ass, not actual badass.

>> No.353163


>> No.353174

The fuck, I came here from the frontpage this is awesome.

I'm coming here more often.

>> No.353615

What would be the best way to create a sandblasted matte black texture for use in a game engine? What maps would I need? Best way to do them?

>> No.354384
File: 211 KB, 642x546, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a picture of a model's shirt.

Referring to the matted/dotted look of the shirt's texture, what is it called and how do you do it? Just use some kind of brush in Photoshop and do an overlay or something?

Sorry if my phrasing is hard to understand.

>> No.354405
File: 328 KB, 531x404, shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the uv editor it randomly wont let me zoom in with the scroll wheel. how do i fix this?

>> No.354599

Aw shit kraken club.
I've started farming that thing

>> No.355550

which basic program + pdf would you recommend for starting 3d artists.

>> No.355557

tinkercad.com is back good sir! The kind folks at autodesk bought it out because they heard it did 3D things and that's how they run their company.

As far as ease of use goes I've been a fan of Cinema 4D because even a retarded goat could guess what menu anything you want would be under.

>> No.355593

need a little help... day ago i have seen the 4 chan post of low poly model so I decided to a low poly model....

and now i cant get out from the texture because metal/guns have very specular/reflective material, and on flat surface this effect sucks a lot.

what i can do to make that surface more metal like whitout pong/bevel it????

>> No.355594
File: 169 KB, 1024x576, HELP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot the image f****************

>> No.355601

Try Gouraud/smooth shading?