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File: 231 KB, 801x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
349022 No.349022 [Reply] [Original]

Unity first....or unreal?

>> No.349028

Unreal is free.

>> No.349038

use whatever you want. If it's good enough quality you can sell it. Use the Quake 2 engine with KMQuake.

>> No.349046

UDK has hotter graphics, Unity has better scripting.
So use UDK if you wanna make a basic FPS type game with nice light and shaders.
Use Unity if you wanna make something more unusual and are not afraid to write advanced scripts.
Unity can look pretty good too, but it require you to write or acquire better shaders than the craptastic default ones.

>> No.349086


so is Unity. Except the free version you can't use fully rendered lighting and shadows. But theres the 4.0 pro version on PB, anyway

>> No.349090

Op here. How many man hours to fully get up in running in unreal vs unity?

>> No.349095

Unreal will be faster. It's got node systems and a lot of stuff built-in that works without tampering. In Unity, you're practically left on your own to script everything. Even basic things like shaders have to be coded at some point.

Just watch out because, generally, the tools that 'do everything for you' are more likely to run your project into a wall. Sometimes they won't do that one thing the project really needs.

>> No.349102

unreal, because you have all features for free, also the royaltees are lower when you commercialize your project and epic helps you publishing it when it's good enough.

>> No.349105
File: 608 KB, 1280x720, screenshot91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

however, unreal engine games, if worked on with the right attitude, turn out waaay cooler than unity games.
>pic related, a unity game

>> No.349108
File: 471 KB, 1280x720, HawkenGame-Win32-Shipping 2013-04-26 22-16-35-83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related, unreal engine

>> No.349111

The fact that nothing very noteworthy has been done in unity is more a issue with the skill level of it's developers then with unity itself.
Very few teams have AAA level artists available to work on the projects. Also the fact that unity allows for so freedom means that it also
asks quite a lot of the user, you need to be a pretty decent programmer to make something cool with unity.
The advantages of the engine is in it's flexibility and what you can code from scratch yourself.

Becomming proficient in unity probably takes a few years if you're new to game programming.

>> No.349114

>Very few teams have AAA level artists available to work on the projects.
because unity's royalty politics are shit

>you can code from scratch yourself.
well, you can also just code the whole shit by hand, wouldn't take that much longer probably, and you have direct access to performance-critical elements.

>> No.349115
File: 545 KB, 1920x1080, Interstellar_Marines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related Unity.

Graphic's wise UDK is better than unity, no question but you can't compare one game to the other like you're doing above. That's just the quality of the art of the game.
Rip the crysis 3 art and stick it inside unity and unity will look pretty much like crysis 3, difference is in frame rates and post-process quality.

>> No.349116

brown and bloom, good choice.
I'd rather have my delicious indie games.

>> No.349117

i was aiming at the lack of postprocessing capabilities coming with unity, in UDK you just add an effect volume or stuff and *baaam* coool color filtering, bloom, DoF, scattering etc. , but you can still tweak every single parameter

>> No.349119

>unity's royalty politics are shit

What royalty politics? Unity Pro license cost $1500, and that's it, unless you develop for consoles in which case it get's more muddy.

>> No.349120

All of which are available in Unity Pro, not as sweet as the ones in UDK or Crytek but nice enough for the graphics to be satisfactory if the game play is any good.

>> No.349121

>Unity Pro

>having to speend nearly $2k for what unreal gives you free in an .exe

I chuckled /3/. gg

>> No.349122

When talking Unity you're always talking Pro because you're obv gonna pirate Unity Pro while learning to use the program, coughing up $1500 for something you gonna use as a toy is to expensive
and Unity Free is to ghet to be an option compared to things like UDK and Crytek. However paying 1500 bucks for a full license if you're ever gonna seriously release a indie game is a great deal.

>> No.349124

see >>>349122

>> No.349127

> because you're obv gonna pirate

thats not gonna fly !

>> No.349131

>gives you free in an .exe
Source code access?

>> No.349134
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Why not? You're risking absolutely nothing, it benefits you, and it benefits the Unity team if you use their product over their competition even if you pirate.
And if you ever release a game you'll bring them revenue. The only douche move would be if you tried to go commercial on a pirated licence.

It's like using blender being free as a argument for blender over maya or max, when in the real actual world all these programs are free to use,
except according to some wording on documents no one is enforcing.

>> No.349135

I buy all of my software and plugins, young man. Unreal isnt "crippled" from the start.

>> No.349136

>implying unrealscript or kismet isn't crippled
>implying 25% cut is ok

>> No.349137

You must be very privileged to afford such expensive products. But it's great your paying developers for their efforts
I'd buy software to if I could, but I can only afford to pay for the software I end up using professionally.

Point is pirating is always an accessible option for any poor students or economically challenged individuals.
So the cripple factor of Unity Free is only a imaginary one that excist inside your head.

>> No.349138

>implying unrealscript is crippled
>implying i use kismet
>implying i care about 25%

>> No.349141
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Why ae you comparing two games that have entirely different priorities?

Hawken is just a fancy FPS when you get down to it.

>> No.349142

>it benefits the Unity team if you use their product over their competition even if you pirate.
how? it would probably be better if you downloaded UDK because that would use Epic's bandwidth-

>> No.349143

25% cut IS okay for not needing to write that much code by hand, also they help you marketing your game.

>> No.349145

my point was that there is no bloom or stuff in Unity unless you use pro, and KSP is agreat example for how awful this turns out to be, just try to look into the sun while getting into the shadow of a planet.

>> No.349146

>that large craft in orbit
teach me, master

>> No.349147

Because you add to the knowledge base of unity and because you spread awareness of unity to your friends and others who come in contact with your work.
This means more people will use unity and therefore increases the likelyhood that someone is:

A) Gonna pay for a Pro license brining money to the Unity team. (0% chance if someone learns UDK instead)

B) Actually end up making a good game that boosts unitys reputation. (0% chance if someone learns UDK instead)

A program doesn't excist in a vaccum all by itself, it's like how 3ds max is probably the best 3D package availibe not because it's the best software
but rather because it has the largest experienced user base that's talking to each other and furthering the knowledge about the software.

>> No.349154


>Unity has better scripting.

lol, you can pretty much do anything you want in udk and its easier

>> No.349162
File: 446 KB, 1518x837, unity wall run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol, you can pretty much do anything you want in udk and its easier

Can you wall run?

>> No.349167



>what is mirrors edge

>> No.349170

>mirrors edge

That's not UDK, that's the commercial Unreal Engine 3 SDK modified by DICE. And the wall run i mirror's edge is just grabbing onto the surface sort of like the princess jumps in mario2,
the one in that image looks like it changes the vector fluidly to orient onto surfaces.

>> No.349174

>implying UDK isn't just a GUI for UE
>implying unrealscript is there for no reason

>> No.349175


even so you can still wall run in udk.

Wall running is just an animation

>> No.349177

Well, I'm sorry it has come to this implying bullshit, but
>implying extending from classess with unreal script is sane.

>> No.349179

Unreal costs $100 plus royalties after a certain amount.


>> No.349180
File: 120 KB, 346x267, i know where you derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking unreal gives you source for free
>Being this much of a pleb in 2013.

>> No.349181

>epic helps you publishing it when it's good enough.

Correction they help you publish it when it benefits them and the terms are fucking awful.

>> No.349182


$50,000 and if your game is good they advertise it for you. seems like a good fucking deal to me

>> No.349183

>I can't into OO to save my life.

>> No.349184

>advertise it for you.
Bullshit they only help you if you lap dog them. It's fucking terrible, please actually think before you spout bullshit.

>> No.349185
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>Skybox seams are showing
Fucking embarrassing 0/10 would not Unite.

>> No.349186


hows it terrible faggot? you get a shit ton of adverting, if your game isn't a pos it will sell,

Lets make a list of all those unity games


>> No.349187
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>It's got node systems
>Actually talking about Kismet without the phrase "It feels like you got dropped in the Congo during the middle of heat and you're not wearing any pants"
pic related it's what using Kismet is like.

>> No.349188


Maybe if you're an unorganized retard

>> No.349189
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 1359074663619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot your link faggot.

Here I'll be nice and give you the UDK one.



nice one bro!

>> No.349191

You wouldn't be falling back on a such a slow unoptimized piece of shit if you actually knew how to program.

>> No.349192
File: 163 KB, 650x918, 1314659637803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No true scotsman
What's it like being a faggot?

>> No.349193
File: 359 KB, 712x760, 1362733150961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Unreal Kiddies are the worst. Blatantly defending shit because MUH "FREEDUMBS". You should join the Cyrengine Masterrace, true next gen technology, full access to the source unlike UDK, better visual scripting, and non ass raping licensing terms.

>> No.349194


>List of unreleased games
>most are indie platformers


>> No.349195

top pleb.

>> No.349198

It seems like Unity is the go to engine for indies nowadays now that Project Eternity, Wasteland, Broken Age, Obsidian's game, pretty much every crowd funded project and new project being made 2013 and onward. The indies have spoken and they chose Unity.

tl;dr just choose whatever you feel comfortable and don't listen to these faggots. Download both since they're free to try and just fiddle around with them and choose the one you like the most. At the end of the day no one's gonna give a fuck about the engine you used if it's a good game.

>> No.349201
File: 9 KB, 260x194, crying_indian-op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cry Injun'

which of these three is the new battletech platform run on?

>> No.349202


>> No.349225

>The Ball
>Primal Carnage
>Literally any of the games being advertised under the "UDK" section
>Backed by million dollar ad campaigns and AAA publishers

I'm sorry son but you've got brain problems and/or A.D.D. if you didn't notice the entirely indie UDK showcase page.

>> No.349227

Meant for >>349189

>> No.349229

Hawken is a p2win shitty FPSMMO backed by venture capitalists. It's about as indie as Angry Fucking Birds.

>> No.349230

>>The Ball

this game isnt "fun" or "good" in any sense of the word.


>primal carnage
just bad. real bad

>> No.349236

We're not discussing whether or not the games are good, we're discussing whether or not Epic advertises for them, which they do. If we want to get into that, most of the games Unity pimps out on it's showcase page are beyond dreadful and don't even have skillfully made visuals to back them up.

>> No.349239

Funfact: Most good indie games don't promote the engine they were made with because they don't fucking need to in the first place.

>> No.349241

They don't? It's the other way around, engines latch onto good games made with them to promote their engine. Unity doesn't have a whole lot of quality games to latch onto.

>> No.349242

Unreal is technically better and more feature complete, but harder to use and the scripting system is complete shit.

Unity is easier and better to script for, but the free version doesn't even have proper shadow casting.

>> No.349247

>Anyone who argues about game engines on 4chan
>Arguing about the licensing terms like anyone here will ever have to worry about making anything that earns enough money for UDK or Unity's terms to take effect

>> No.349263

the only thing harder about UDK is the scripting, which is just a task of reverse engineering what you need, since docs are crap or nonexistant
Unity is very friendly for simple code (if you have done javascript for a web page or c# at school for a programming 101 you should be fine)
both are about equally easy on using the editor, UDK has the slight advantage all the programming (well, a lot of it at least) for UT3 comes with it, so you can quickly make a FPS for your demo reel

>> No.349272

The ball was fucking shit though. If that was the winner of the Make Something Unreal contest then I don't ever want to touch UDK with 10-foot pole.

>> No.349274

Both are shit, write your own engine.

>> No.349275


>> No.349276

Whoa, really?

>> No.349278
File: 34 KB, 640x400, surprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wall running is just an animation

Fucking christ...

>> No.349279
File: 323 KB, 746x1000, 1362732848127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please educate yourself fellow anon and join us in the sun.


>> No.349280

If they really do give you access to the source code I'm sold.

>> No.349288

Download the fucking SDK it's free.

>> No.349290

Wait just a minute, is she wearing a fucking rape whistle?

>> No.349294

That looks more like changing gravity vector for the whole world for player than any actual wall-running though.
I don't really doubt it is possible in UDK, but it's scripting seems a lot less accessible than Unitys.
Unity 's scripting documentation is ace and the forums at Unity Answers has so much information available that
you can be a pretty daft kid and still get your special blend of game together.

>> No.349301

I would go Udk if they update to Ue4
I'm not sure why anyone would go cryengine, level designers and developers generally know how to work with Ue, so an updated Udk is preferred.
Unity if you are more a programmer than a game dev. Tons of fun hack projects are being done in unity.

>> No.349352

>a fucking rape whistle?

Isn't a rape whistle a anti-fucking device by definition?

>> No.349356


>> No.349363

That's what's going on? She looks kinda beautiful for a chubby, I could see myself easily ending up in bed with her after a 'too many brews' type scenario.

>> No.349384


they might be shit games but they look/run better than the unity ones and probably cost less to make because of it.

>> No.349386


I meant pop mirrors edge type wall running, not walking on walls

>> No.349399
File: 17 KB, 316x421, 383275-jock-palfreeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might as well suggest Ogre3D if you're gonna be a graphics whore about it. At least it respects your freedoms and uses a real programming language.

>> No.349400

>At least it respects your freedoms

>> No.349401

Prove my wrong faglord.

>> No.349402

i was being sarcastic about freedoms beign a priority in a unity vs unreal thread.

>> No.349405

U vs U threads are amalgamation of neck beard pissing contests anyways and everyone has prostate cancer.

>> No.349414

I like Cry Engine over UDK for the lighting system and the lack of Physx bullshit.

But the way you make shaders for CrySDK is kinda retarded.

>> No.349420

no shit sherlock

>> No.349424

ogre masterrace xD

>> No.349427

>tfw no love for Cry
Why doesn't anyone use it?

>> No.349428

no tuts
no licensing

>> No.349429

That's about the same way I feel about UDK and having to create manual lightmaps for every static mesh.

>> No.349435

but it has both

>> No.349436

anything to back that up?

>> No.349437


>> No.349440

You want a link to cryengine tutorials?

Digital tutors have a few, Eat3D have a series.

>> No.349441

eat3d only has tuts on cryengine material setups versus udk tuts on creating entire games

dt is babby level

>> No.349443
File: 2.39 MB, 2336x996, asa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unity and cryengine have tools designed to create open worlds, while udk makes indoor design easier (CSG is well implemented and easy to use).

Unity: easy scripting, smaller fee for commercial projects
UDK: good workflow with map creating, good graphics
CryEngine: very good graphics, support team telling you to suck their balls

>pic completely unrelated

>> No.349445

>eat3d only has tuts on cryengine material setups
>dt is babby level
Tutorials are babby level

>> No.349446


care to link to the eat3d cryengine showing anything non babby level?

didnt think so kid

>> No.349447

Pretty much all the general editor.

I don't know how you can have 'non-babby' tutorials. Can't you make anything without following a guide?

>> No.349448

>Pretty much all the general editor.

>the general editor
>non babby

>I don't know how you can have 'non-babby' tutorials. Can't you make anything without following a guide?

there are plenty of non babby tutorials - for unreal. Specifically, how to make whole games.

>> No.349449

So you can't make something without following word for word then

>> No.349450

games are pretty complicated son. some take hundreds of people to make over a period of several years. Perhaps graduate high school or somethin?

>> No.349451

>perhaps graduate high school

>> No.349453

>too edgy 4 me

gb2 /v/, kid

>> No.349499

When you make a static mesh you need to make 2 UV sets. 1 for textures and one specifically for lightmapping which CANNOT be done the same way you would layout regular UVs.


>> No.349500


>Not enough tutorials

>I need tutorials that hand hold me every step of the way because I don't know how to think for myself.
Sure thing pleb, just don't expect to ever get anywhere in life though.

Here's a tutorial to make an entire game from scratch in Cryengine SDK and not an FPS.

Get rekt.

>> No.349501

>more tutorials on lighting
>how 2 use the transformation tool
>intro to the sandie

>how to make the worst type of game, rts
>results are real bad

cryengine shills r sad

>> No.349503

Isn't it past your bed time kiddo?

>> No.349504


>> No.349572

You all guys sounds like some kind of experts, can you pleas give us some titles of games you made?

>> No.349583

Super Mario 64

>> No.349592

None, but I've spent probably ~8 hours a day over the last year and a half learning game-programing (with Unity in my case).
A lot of people here probably have similar backgrounds, even if most of us isn't payed proffesionals we do possess warying levels of expertise.

My long term goal is to realease a significant indie a title, I'm a lone wolf maniac who's willing to gamle his life on such a long shot.

>> No.349593

>None, but I've spent probably ~8 hours a day over the last year and a half learning game-programing (with Unity in my case)

365 + 180 = 545
545 * 8 = 4,360

....so you have no game after 4000+ hours. Not even anything. Pretty sad bub

>> No.349597


> complaing about making 2 uv's

cry more baby boy.

You dont have to use lightmass you know?

>> No.349603

I've made a lot of things, but no finished games. I've researched game physics, custom game controlers, camera motion, interesting AI, pathfinding and all kinds of things that goes into a game.
The game I'm making is very ambitious and aim's to surpass current AAA works in regards to how it feels and plays so I do not stress things to make something that's just bland and mediocre.

I got into game-programing because as a player of games I felt the only thing that keeps getting better in games these days is the graphics.
I already knew everything about game content creation (I'm a experienced character animator and CGI artist) but I felt all programers lack the imagination and artistry to pull
off controls that feel interactive and responsive and has the same level of fidelity to them that the visuals have.

So one afternoon I read an article about unity and I thought I might as well learn to program it myself and see how hard it can be to 'get it right' according to my tastes as a player.
One thing lead to the other and now I'm commited down this crazy road of solo game-development.

>> No.349605


>The game I'm making is very ambitious and aim's to surpass current AAA works in regards to how it feels and plays


>> No.349607


Why would anyone make a game without aiming to improve on what's already been achieved?
If one can't deliver that - the world do not need the game.

>> No.349610

>Why would anyone make a game without aiming to improve on what's already been achieved?
>If one can't deliver that - the world do not need the game.

You dont improve on anything. You use other games as inspiration - nothing more, nothing less. Your game will most likely be derivative garbage, because you're so hell bent on improving but not innovating. inb4 semantics. You are shit.

>> No.349617

You would not be wrong in most cases. The majority of people who would state the same thing I've done above would be megalomaniacs.
I realize how far-reaching this sounds but if you're actually the rare exception that will succeed with these kind of insanity projects you need to be bold and unreasonable in your vision.
As a person I'm an utterly stubborn ass that is of a single mind so critisim like the one you present means nothing to me one way or the other.

I consider 'Innovation' to be a bit of a buzz word in gaming circles, almost nothing good humans do is ever novel trough and trough. Valid ideas that stood the test of time
just evolve from implementation to implementation. The question is not if aspects of a work is derivative of a previous work or not, the question is if the blend of DNA of previous ideas is any good or not.

Novelty ideas can be good and bad just as well as old ideas can be good or bad depending on their implementation and quality.
If you scream for novelty jsut for the sake of novelty you don't really know what it is that you're looking for, it's the same mindset that's
fallen into the trap of thinking the grass must always be greener on the other side.

>> No.349618
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>> No.349620

Think it's a pretty interesting read. It's rare to see such composure on /3/.

>> No.349625


>> No.349629

well, i always make 2 uvmaps. no problem with that, bro

>> No.349632
File: 95 KB, 813x729, 1353150874294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fuckers make threads like this for 2 years now, and not a single game produced by any of you ever surfaced to the world

fucking software theoreticians

>> No.349635

If you read the text after one of those game you play you realize just how much work goes into making a game. Unity and UDK haven't been around that long for new dev's to learn.
Popular triva informs us that it takes 10000 man hours to achive a proffesional level in a task, that's a minimum of 3 years for even the most hardcore of us to get our shit together.

Don't expect the indie scene to explode for another couple of years.

>> No.349636

>Popular triva informs us that it takes 10000 man hours to achive a proffesional level in a task, that's a minimum of 3 years for even the most hardcore of us to get our shit together.

but minecraft was a 24 hour project
angry birds was done in a week. no more excuses. no more duke nukem delays /3/. put up or shut up.

>> No.349637

>Minecraft and Angry Birds are professional grade products
Not even close, unfortunately. Firstly, Minecraft the multi-million dollar game took years to make, and has suffered from several idiocies that didn't go away until Notch did. Secondly, Angry Birds is a port and resprite of Crush the Castle to mobile; of course it was successful. It would also be incredibly easy to program.

>> No.349639

Not everyone is making minimalistic games, or make games they hope could give them quick $$$.
People make the kind of games that they themselves would wanna play.
No one on /3/ has set any release dates or hyped their own product as far as I know, so there really isn't any duke nukem delays.
Besides you do not really wanna play the pre-alpha versions from every script kiddie in the world which is what currently exists, so YOU shut up.

>> No.349645

>angry birds
the two games with the worst artwork EVER.

>> No.349659

>>Minecraft and Angry Birds are professional grade products
>Not even close

Angry birds has made over a billion dollars.

>Firstly, Minecraft the multi-million dollar game took years to make,

90% of minecraft as you know it was done in 24 hours

>No one on /3/ has set any release dates or hyped their own product as far as I know, so there really isn't any duke nukem delays.

/3/ game "devs" make a mockery of the word "dev"

>> No.349671

>hmm I've got the option between a few tutorials that tell me how to do things that aren't really related to eachother and another set of tutorials that tell me how to make an entire game, I guess I should go with the second set to make me more prepared to make a complete product.

>> No.349686

>Something made a lot of money
>Therefore it is professional quality
McDonalds, cigarettes, etc.

>90% of Minecraft as you knot it was done in 24 hours
I've been playing Minecraft since Classic mode, at the game has come a lot further than that. Yes, a lot of the rendering and physics was done in 24 hours, but holy shit you're a moron if you think that's 90%.

>/3/ game "devs" make a mockery of the word "dev"
I agree completely.

>> No.349687

>McDonalds, cigarettes, etc.

you lost me

>I've been playing Minecraft since Classic mode,
>, but holy shit you're a moron if you think that's 90%.

whats it like being a moron?

>> No.349688

> You lost me
Examples of things that are low quality, but still made a lot of money.

> What's it like being a moron?
You tell me.
Have you played Minecraft recently? Biomes, alternate dimensions, a mod API, real lighting, AI overhauls, multiplayer, even water flow has changed since then. Hell, TOOLS didn't exist back in the day, and neither did ore, smelting, or crafting. All Classic managed to be was a very simple cube renderer in OpenGL, with face picking.

>> No.349689

>Examples of things that are low quality, but still made a lot of money.

mcd is pretty high quality and delicious
ciggarettes same

>Have you played Minecraft recently?
I dont play games because playing games is a waste. I only watch others play them on youtube. It looks the same now as it did then.

>> No.349693
File: 780 KB, 478x369, I've Seen Some Shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I dont play games because playing games is a waste. I only watch others play them on youtube. It looks the same now as it did then.
Well yes it looks the same, but the game itself (you know, the part you have to play) has changed radically.

> mcd is pretty high quality and delicious
> ciggarettes same
Oh, so you're trolling.

>> No.349694

>hurr durr

>> No.349698

>I only watch others play them on youtube. It looks the same now as it did then.
that's even more of a waste.

>> No.349699

Playing games is a waste, but watching youtube videos isn't??? That being said, I agree, I love to smoke a camel crush while eating MCX. Fucking delicious

>> No.349704

Have fun making your game look like shit then (not that you'd need any help with that since you're working UDK anyways)

>> No.350092

remember when Source showed up in these kinds of conversations? RIP valve.

>> No.350099

>implying source is dead
it still looks better than whtever infinity ward uses.

>> No.350101

well, if you want performance, use source engine. but it isn't much easier than coding everything yourself.

>> No.350178


Of course it looks better than the quake 3 engine

>> No.350179

but the quake engine was for example quite cool in classic nexuiz, they even had bumpmapping there.

>> No.350186

I wonder if their engine can scale models.

>> No.350188

yes, it can.

>> No.350564

Are you fucking high not UDK nor Cryengine give you access to the source code one, and two if you've ever contacted Crytek's sales dept, they give you ridiculous pricing that is insane for your project size, at least Epic in the interest of getting as much money out of you as possible will set their price relative to how successful they think your project will be and there is a 50k marker you have to hit before paying the 25 percent royalty kicks in, Cryengines is only 20, but the free 50k is worth it, I will say this though, if your about to start a project learn udk but wait for UE4 and if it doesn't work better with Dx11 than did UE3 and your looking to make something graphically demanding by all means switch. I've used both and if you know how to work them the engines have the same capability so all you should care about in starting up is pricing.

>> No.350576

UDK will lock you into learning a useless proprietary language that will become obsolete once UE4 starts rolling out to the masses. At least with Cryengine you're using straight C/C++. From that point on UE4 and Cryengine licenses are around the same. Crytek are actually very kind to indies many times waiving any upfront costs if they like your idea.

>> No.350611

>UDK will lock you into learning a useless proprietary language that will become obsolete once UE4 starts rolling out to the masses. At least with Cryengine you're using straight C/C++

You can learn unrealscript in a week if you have programming experience. Its dead easy.

No one is forcing you to switch to ue4. You can make killer quality with ue3

>C/C++ scripting game logic
How horrifying

>> No.350615

Your average scripting stuff is done in Lua.

>> No.350617

Lua is bad. Unrealscript is better. Ue3 is masterrace.

>> No.350630


you best be havin a laff, m8

>> No.350637


> implying said extension of extension of extension of a class in unrealscript is organized in anyway.
> implying unrealscript isnt messy as fuck.

this is seriously one of the worst scripting languages i have ever looked at. You literally have to bounce back and forth between extended classes to get a grasp on what the fuck is happening.

Unity on the other hand. you write one script file for the purpose you need and your fucking done. thats it. If you want to call functions from other scripts, no fuckin problemo. just edit the original script.

>> No.350639

>this is seriously one of the worst scripting languages i have ever looked at. You literally have to bounce back and forth between extended classes to get a grasp on what the fuck is happening.

learn OOP, get UnCodeX, stop using gay ass unity

>> No.350652


stop following the band wagon. The sooner you realize UDK/UE3 the better off youll be.

Unity is for the hardcore. UDK is for lazy fucks.

>> No.350653

*is shit

>> No.350723

Guyse, i found the solution for everything: three.js! it is so damn easy to use, aaaand it has the advantage that your appa become very lightweight without lacking modern effects, plus you can easily distribute them.

>> No.350727


>> No.350733

>Only compatible with Chrome

>> No.350737
File: 1.87 MB, 500x281, 1365364284307.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peace, Love, and Unity3D.

>> No.350748

you din't even try it in firefox, huh? works perfectly fine, and as we all know the performance is better.