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>> No.923892 [View]

Get this faceapp smile garbage outta here

>> No.920355 [View]

Fucking kill yourself you useless brown piece of shit

>> No.918262 [DELETED]  [View]

Muh dick culture is equivalent to coomers

>> No.918136 [View]
File: 26 KB, 603x222, 1458382304233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.918133 [View]

learn from the last cris who was a 4chan meme, and put your penis inside your mother

>> No.902756 [View]


>> No.900696 [View]

Stop being a faggot

>> No.801387 [View]

>trying to /pol/bait on a 3d board

>> No.791697 [View]

Why are cats better modeling buddies dogs?

>> No.787964 [View]

Lol learn to use this site

>> No.776248 [View]


>> No.760094 [View]

OP is a fag

>> No.751238 [View]

Basically just baking 3 iteration subdiv mesh onto same mesh with 1 iteration. How do I use a supersampler in SP?

>> No.750491 [View]

It is done fren. Sage goes in all fields too

>> No.745650 [View]

Horrible obvious bump. This shit was on page 10 and you couldn’t let it die, could you?

>> No.740216 [View]

They are but like to pretend they are not

>> No.729536 [View]

fuck off cris

>> No.655096 [View]

Yes, angled seam lines will show up as partial pixels. You can see a very slight one in the op's gif if you look at here hair highlight band just on the left side of her head, when the wires are off. Minimizing the amount of island will lower how much of this you have to deal with. But you will notice that her whole texture uses essentially cube projection and her model reflects that, it can be broken down it to square mostly flat groups of faces.

>> No.655092 [View]

>or am I expecting too much of physics engines?

Depends what kind of physics simulation your are talking about real time/game engine or some recomputed soft body stuff?
I am going to assume game engine for the sake of this answer though. What will cover %80 of you use cases and look okay, is a single bone for each breast, extending from bottom of the shoulder blade, about a inch or two deep from the skin of the back, to the nipple of the respective breast. These two bones should be the children of your chest bone, or whatever bone the clavicles are also children of. These bones should be set up with fairly limited rotational constraints with something equivalent to a spring joint. The bone can also be scaled along its length axis for some subtle breast compression in addition to the jiggle, but you would probably need to right some code to govern the logic behind when that happens.
If you are playing around in Unity though, do you self a favor and buy dynamic bone, its completely possible to with built in unity components but in all honesty your time is worth more then what ever it costs.

As a general recommendation, that time you saved doing this the second time as apposed to the first is a big improvement and you will keep getting quicker the more you do this. So its fun to play around with rigging and jiggle physics but when you are done get back on practicing. I think at this stage grinding out more pure modeling practice will serve you more then some of the more technical stuff. So I know it desirable to take a project to %100 completion but its that first %70 to %80 that is really valuable to you right now.

>> No.655072 [View]

I would recommend just practicing, find some reference you like a model it, save it and then open a new document. And just keep repeating that, by the time you are 10 or so deep you should have a good feel for it. The real change is establishing a good feel for topography. Proportionality and anatomy are easy to fuck up and will effect the aesthetic outcome more but if you are using good references and with that much repetition it should become trivial.

Don't feel bad about straight up copying things whether that be concept art or wires somebody posted. Being able to look at something a duplicate it with precision is a really undervalued skill among artists. Also it happens to be great for your portfolio, other cant judge how well you actualized your goal if they don't have a point of reference what your goal was.

Anybody can get there with repetition and a little critique and humility.

>> No.654576 [View]

I not so sure its a matter of realism but a representation of what realistic female ideals where at the time, something that has shifted significantly over the years. And with our ability to effect our bodies to a fairly great degree with just diet and exercise, what was realistic then might now really be all that realistic now.

>> No.654540 [View]

Not that anon but that is why you feed it with paired orthos and resulting models made by competent artiest, that way it is making a corollary data set on just human anatomy geometry as compared to what and 2d artist's short hand for a particular feature was. Not saying it would be good, it would be super dependent on the geomerty it was feed, using the orthos as just a seed, but that would be desirable up front as there is a really narrow band of what we consider good topologie for the human body when rigging.

>> No.654525 [View]

Thank you, though now I realize I misspelled "loose."

>> No.651820 [View]

Please dont samefag and shill everyone can tell

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