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>> No.365821 [View]

>Not living in a state where weed is legal or having your medical card

..now excuse me while I enjoy my hash

>> No.365110 [View]

You serious? $40 is dirt cheap for that model. Hell, the artist is only making $35 off of it and there is no way he spent less than 10 hours on it. $35 divided by 10 is only $3.50 an hour, and that's at BEST. Good fucking luck finding someone to do it cheaper or doing better yourself at that rate.

If you don't want to put in any work yourself, you get what you pay for.
>nice AND free
Would you work for free?

>> No.365078 [View]
File: 339 KB, 1500x882, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your works in progress. If you have complaints about a work, try to respons positively and not shitpost.

>> No.365075 [View]

10 minute work. Being generous..

>> No.364464 [View]

if you had used blender and dynotopo your letters wouldnt get stretched like that shithead.

>> No.364348 [View]

lol Australia's rates really did go down, so bad example.

>> No.363302 [DELETED]  [View]

>Any valid opinions so far?
It's an extruded stick, finish it and post a textured version already.

Also, this should be in the WIP thread, this board is too slow to have a thread for every object someone creates, especially if you are going to post updates every time you extrude something.

>> No.362368 [View]

Have fun rigging 3D characters to help you figure out how to finish your 2D doodles that clearly already take you too long.

You can either be cheap, or dumb, if you're both, you're fucked.

>> No.360900 [View]
File: 778 KB, 245x190, vESj1[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.359132 [View]

can you guys explain me what ambient occlusion and path tracing are?

>> No.358850 [View]

Troll thread- do not respond to troll- keep the board clean

>> No.357647 [View]

why is 3dsmax bad?


>> No.357646 [View]


We're on 4chan, buddy. We're all lead pixar animators and you have no proof it's different.

>> No.357150 [View]

looks like a bored troll wants some attention...

sage goes in all fields

>> No.355576 [View]

I can't even get it to play.

>> No.354995 [View]

I'm in my last year of studying VFX, graduating soon. And all I have heard from industry workers is that yes, it is essentially slavery, the jobs are few and far between and the most stable VFX jobs are generally teaching.

You have to be the best of your specialty, get hired into a stable studio and don't let anyone poach your position. Getting friendly with members of studios is a must too. Shit sucks.

>> No.354816 [View]

Go back to /b/ with your shit.

>> No.354294 [View]

You do know you can use blender for more than modeling light up dragon dildos right?

>> No.353513 [View]

>not 3d

>> No.352548 [View]


Nothing special going on here, decent artists is all. Models are not even that good.
I see photo-sourced texture on regular hand built mesh. probably textured the clothes first then sculpted in the deformations.

>> No.352418 [View]


No it's not criminal at all because the colonies of cells was never a kid.

every egg and every sperm is pontentionally a person, but you don't call a girl who go a month without getting pregnant a killer
and you don't call a guy who shoots five loads a day into a tissue a genocidal maniac.

Do you remember when you were an embryo? No? well neither do I, I wouldn't have given two fucks about if somebody aborted me then.
If my mom was a struggling teen who felt she wasn't in a good position to provide for me and had an abortion I'd be totally okay with that
because I would never have had a life to miss having. get of your high horse and start caring about the people who's already here
instead of fussing over the ones who's yet to join the server.

>> No.352409 [View]

'Knuckle draggin atheist' now there's something new. Traditionally atheists tend to be the ones actually beliving in evolution, even if any sane christian ofcourse do as well.
Attempting to scare an atheists with fire and brimstone is like trying to scare an adult with storries about the boogieman.

Instead consider this: What if atheists are right? This life is the only one you'll ever have and you're wasteing it on meaningless cermonies and related bullcrap,
fearing for your non-existing soul and troubleing other human beings whoms lives you deem immoral our foul.
Because the bible says a guy cant have his cock up another mans ass, or that a girl who's gotten herself knocked up and isn't
in a possition in life to deal with the consequencies can't hit the reset button.

If people of christian faith are right the universe is run by an insane tyrant who plan to torture the majority of people for eternity.
If there is indeed a god, and that god is anything like the one described in the bible, we pretty much need to kill him like the divine terrorist he is.
If atheists are right then we're just like machines, once we break down and seize to operate nothing bad will happen.

In the atheist view we already know how it is to be dead, because all of us have been dead for aeons before the day we were born, there was nothing scary at all about it.

>> No.352396 [View]

Visual communications

>> No.352305 [View]

>Modern science wouldn't be around if it weren't for previous discoveries, made during medieval times.
Incorrect, 'modern science' wouldn't been around if it wasn't for rediscoveries in medieval times of works written by the philosophers of antiquity.
Whatever secular knowledge about the world there was christians gained from heretical sources of the ancient world such as Aristotoles or Platon.
litteracy among the peasentry was not something that was desired among the rulers. Educated subjects make for un-ruley subjects.

>Actually, scientific method originated centuries before, from Egyptian, Greek, and Roman experimentation.
I challange you to produce one single example of a egyptan, greek or roman experiment that was conducted to investigate the physical laws of nature.

But enough of this. I strongly disagree with your account of western history. I agree to anyone saying the chruch played a actual meaningful role in trying to stave off
noble violence during the times. Europe were ruled by an illiterate warrior class of violent douchebags for hundredes of years and christianity actually tried it's best at times to regulate this.
But the evils commited in the name of chrisitanity and it's god with the crusades, the great schism and following religious wars, the inquisitions, the witchhunts and the rape an pillage of the new world
paint a dark and bloody trackrecord across it's historical account. Anybody being apologetic about the history of christianity must either be uneducated or flat out crazy.

sage goes in all fields for great sage.

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