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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 283 KB, 477x448, Screenshot 2024-04-12 142110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18139650 No.18139650 [Reply] [Original]

I look 17 to 24 at nearly 20, look like a woman 3% of the time, man 97% of the time ever in front of young people's face (apparently). I look like either Micheal Cera, Gerard Way, Micheal Jackson, a butch lesbian athlete I forgot the name of, Pyrocynical and some other celebrities (all irl comparisons). I don't even have long hair I have curtain bangs at an ear level, why is my appearance so fluid? I don't use makeup

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18139620 No.18139620 [Reply] [Original]

how do i ask for leon kennedy's haircut without straight up showing them a pic of a vidya character. every time i go to a a barber, they give me some normie ass fade shit even if i show them a picture of me with a haircut i had in the past. that i would like. i was looking on r'ddit and they were saying only salons know how to do long hair on men. but isnt that kinda gay af? a straight dude going to a place only chicks go to. my hair is black if it matters

>> No.18139628

>without straight up showing them a pic of a vidya character

Why don't you want to show them a pic of the exact way you want your haircut?

>> No.18139630

if you think it's hard to find real photos of such a haircut then you're not very good at searching images

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18139600 No.18139600 [Reply] [Original]

10 years ago thrifting wasn’t popular and you could go into a goodwill and find cool stuff, now thrift stores are completely picked over by hype beast reseller dorks. Thanks a lot Macklemore…

>> No.18139604

You have to go to the thrift stores that reseller dorks are too pussy to go to.

Check if your city has any thrift stores on or near Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd if you catch my drip.

>> No.18139619

Thrift stores in poor areas always have just been dumps
You go to the rich areas

>> No.18139627

Complete opposite for my city I guess. Rich or just white areas are where thrift stores sell used tshirts for $5. My go to is in the niggest part of town, every thing is a great deal, and the only clothes that I would consider over priced are Nike or Air Jordan brand or new with tags. The nig workers there have no clue what single stitch is or any vintage band shirts that have a high value. The thrift stores in the less black part of town always seem to have some fucking expert working there that knows how to price everything where it will sell, but at a price it's not worth trying to make money off of it.

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18139586 No.18139586 [Reply] [Original]

Is it cringe to wear suits to college?
I want people to think highly of me.

>> No.18139589

Are you tall or confident or sexy in any way? Do you look over 25? Do you own a nice suit that actually fits you well, meaning it's been tailored proffessionally to you?

If yes, go for it anon and rock it

>> No.18139598
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Do it. The suit makes the man.

>> No.18139623

Yes but make sure it's a more casual soft cut. I think a conservative english/business suit could look a bit tryhard.

>> No.18139629

I always cringed when I saw someone on campus or class who made a habit of dressing like that even though there was no big school event or presentations going on.
Saw a lot of business casual though and that seemed to give an heir of sophistication without looking try hard or like a pretentious Instagram "entrepreneur". Also assuming some of these people had jobs to juggle out side of class.

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18139510 No.18139510 [Reply] [Original]

Saw Gwynevere and it reminded me when I was fucking this 18 year old half a year ago in doggy with massive fat tits it was pure ecstasy I was literally try holding with both hands plus I was crossfaded so it was even more so pure bliss. Went through 3 magnums after she swallowed my load. Anyways this has inspired me to hit the gym and get some new clothes and work on my appearance. Will try to go outside more and cold approach girls with big chest ahead.

>> No.18139515

heres ur fashion board bro

>> No.18139561

Amazing chest ahead

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18139486 No.18139486 [Reply] [Original]

why would prada dress him like this ? is that acceptable length ?

>> No.18139528

kek thats bad
would be forgivable if pants weren't cropped. huge prada L

>> No.18139608

Not OP but to me it's oversized and boxy but not in a cool 90s Armani way instead it looks like he's a kid wearing his dad's suit. Needs more drape and exaggeration, heavy shoulder padding etc., right now it just looks straight up ill-fitting.

>> No.18139632

wtf am I looking at

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18139432 No.18139432 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else have this issue? What are you supposed to even eat on a date? Water?
I quit vidya and fap less too, why am I even doing all this if I cant get a gf?

Thanks to not being able to eat anything I've become quite a good cook through trial and error but thats the only benefit.

Its purely aesthetic ofc unless I eat alot of goyslop in one sitting then I go into a food coma.

>> No.18139509

no i can drink, smoke and eat like utter garbage and i will wake up with zero skin issues
im late twenties so im not a young guy either
sleep is the only thing that will fuck me up if i skip out on it three or four days in a row
some people are just genetically built to withstand stress and some can barely survive in a world with modern medicine and overabundance

>> No.18139529

>food coma
you're pre diabetic anon, go to the doctor
>facebook tier woman science
dairy doesnt cause acne, wine doesn't cause wrinkles, gloten doesn't make you fat and blotchy. go to the gym, eat the right macros, stop this memery

>> No.18139542

>sugar gives you a pale gaunt face
Isn't it the opposite

>> No.18139543

that makes no sense though, I live a fairly clean lifestyle and I do lift. I never did drugs drank or smoked and Ive been low bf my whole life.

I cant believe I have diabetes

>> No.18139545
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I think the point of the pic is to show that it gives you flushed cheeks,acne, and dry eyes(?). The lady in the picture was already anorexic to begin with.

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18139420 No.18139420 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't spoken to a woman since 2013, why are all highschool girls wearing Nike Pros as if they were pants? They're underwear right? Or what's the deal?

>> No.18139439
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fuck off gooner

>> No.18139440

those are shorts, not underwear

>> No.18139473

homie self reporting he's looking at highschool girls

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18139389 No.18139389 [Reply] [Original]

I'm fitzpatrick IV with black beard hair, how do I hide my beardshadow tell me specifically what to buy.

>> No.18139396

can you get it removed by laser?

>> No.18139410

I just need to hide it for 1 day

>> No.18139416

oh if you're not actually trooning out I kind of don't want to help

>> No.18139434

what the fuck?

>> No.18139450

Get a professional shave, then get some BB cream that matches your skintone.

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18139354 No.18139354 [Reply] [Original]

This is how girls look at me when I explain that they aren't just khakis, they're 1950s 8.5 oz cotton twill work pants with 1 foot deep sanforized boatsail cloth pockets and a button fly

>> No.18139484
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>wow you're into fashion too anon?
>that's a really nice bag haha i wish i had one like that
its way too easy
try having SWAG

>> No.18139498


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18139318 No.18139318 [Reply] [Original]

I saw a cooking video where one man was wearing something similar. Would it be cringe for a white guy to wear this?

>> No.18139578

If you have the right personality you can pull off anything

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18139290 No.18139290 [Reply] [Original]

Received these shoes as a gift. What the hell do I pair them with? My wardrobe's just grey, white, and black. Why do people give such crappy gifts? Now I have to splurge on new clothes and find something to reciprocate. This is so stupid.

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>> No.18139374

I refuse clothes as gifts.
People who gift these are dicks, they want to control and belittle you.

>> No.18139424

Why the confusion? Most people struggle to find clothes that fit well. It seems they can't grasp the concept that you can't just throw on a new pair of shoes and call it a day. Sometimes, those shoes demand a whole new wardrobe. They gift them to you to save you money, but overlook that if you don't have anything to pair them with, it's wiser not to wear them at all and invest in new ones later. And then there's the added pressure of having to find a suitable gift in return.

>> No.18139474

i gift clothes sometimes but i make a point to pretty much tell the person what i'm getting them first, check if they like it, and if i'm getting the sizing right.
just tell them you really like the shoes but they don't fit your feet well and ask if you can get a receipt. if they're the right size just say they feel narrow or something.

>> No.18139489

Eh too late for that. Just wanted a couple suggestions because I'm unsure on what to wear them with and what fits. Like i said i only have green, white and black clothes at the moment and I'm not a blu jeans guy. I usually dress pretty formal.

>> No.18139491


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18139269 No.18139269 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

Class and gentry edition

Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."
>Your budget
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd-time zone
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
>Wrist size or desired watch size

Previous thread: >>18137323

117 replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.18139622

Depends on how much it is, if its sub 1k you can't go wrong. If its above 1k then go Oris or Sinn.

If god forbid you want a fucking $4k watch then just get an Omega or Tudor. You can at least sell that and use the money to buy a Rolex later.

>> No.18139625
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>refused to sell this in the US

>> No.18139642

Dear Watch Manufacturers,

I write this requesting two simple things regarding bracelets. A good and properly sized bracelet is what makes a watch comfortable and therefore worn (and hopefully bought), and yet there is much catching up needed in the realm of micro adjust and the marketing of micro adjust. Therefore I ask watch manufactures to consider two things:

1) - For watches without micro adjust capability, please add micro adjustments to your linked bracelets.

For watches marketed above $500 USD, this is expected. It can be minimal, one to three options, 2-3mm a part. 5 options is ideal.

For watches marketed $1500 and above, the micro adjust is expected to range the full length of smallest link plus 40%. So if the links are 8mm and the half links are 5mm (yes I know this is not half), then there needs to be at least 7mm of micro adjust. If there isn't a half link, then there would need to be 11.2mm of micro adjust for the aforementioned 8mm link.

For watches above $3000, I fully expect the bracelet to have tool-less micro adjust AND range the smallest link plus 40%. This can be accomplished by increasing the range of the micro adjust or by adding a half link (I'm looking at you Tudor)

If a watch has to be designed not to have a micro adjust, because of a butterfly bracelet design, then it is expected there be multiple link sizes. 1/3 links, 2/3 links, half links included. Obviously this does not apply to bracelets with very small links (e.g. Cartier Santos) and those that are infinitely sizable (mesh).

For watches above $5k, regardless of clasp type, there should be tool-free micro adjust and/or comfort adjust. (Rolex's EasyLink is the bare minimum)

If you do not meet those requests, I will spend my money on those watches that do.

2) Please, please, please put some R&D into clasps, micro adjust, and sizing. And then PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, show it off on your website.

>> No.18139645

There are some very good micro adjust capabilities (I'm looking at you IWC Mark XX, and Omega 300MC), but on your website there is very little marketing/information of this capability and resulting wearability.

Most watch manufacturer websites don't even include pictures of their clasps (I'm looking at you Omega, Longines, Zenith). And I believe it is because they realize their clasps are sub-par and hope we as buyers will buy because of the looks and not because of the wearability (or lack there of). Design better wearable bracelets and then show it on your site. Our wrists are not the same size. That is true comparing one wrist to another AND comparing one wrist to itself over time. A micro adjust is crucial to good wearability. We want to know if you do this and if you do it well you should market it.

My favorite watch to have on my wrist is my Omega 300MC, and it isn't because of the looks (which is stellar by the way), it is because of the awesome clasp, with its tool free adjustability. Yet there is next to no fanfare on the Omega website on how awesome this adjustable clasp is. The clasp alone is what makes it my favorite watch. The IWC Mark XX bracelet is a very close second, for the same reason.

Rolex is the only site that flaunts their Glidelock and EasyLink. No one else really does. The rest of you- Catch up!

Manufactures, we all OOH and AAH over how a watch looks. We wear a watch because of how it feels. I will not wear a watch that fits poorly. I will no longer buy a watch that fits poorly. Please fix this. Many of you are going in the right direction (Mido Ocean Star, TAG Aquaracer, Rolex Easylink, Omega 300MC, IWC, GO, etc), but market it- WE will listen!

>> No.18139652

>Tfw efv100 has just two micro adjustment options
Why would they do this

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18139240 No.18139240 [Reply] [Original]

Hats needs to make a comeback
Sun protection is very important

People are scared that hats makes them look ridiculous and you raw dogging the heat and sun damage. We need to break the illusion

>> No.18139242

pretty much everyone wears hats in the usa

>> No.18139356

i think the trick to wide brimmed hats like akubura is to fuck them up a bit with some steam from the kettle then change the shape a lil by hand. They just dont look right if there to neat. Yet to test it for myself though so who knows.

>> No.18139584
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Not enough choice in hat wear. Americans just wear stupid baseball caps and no one actually plays baseball

>> No.18139639
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Pulling off a felt hat is a bit like running for President. It cannot be done unless you at least 35 years old, and even then you shouldn't try unless you have a realistic shot at succeeding or else no one will ever take you seriously again.

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18139161 No.18139161 [Reply] [Original]

How to get hair like this

>> No.18139169


>> No.18139178


>> No.18139235

first you need to be gay
second, ask /fa/

>> No.18139292

Only ethnics n shitskins like you think its gay

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18139107 No.18139107 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some decent black canvas backpacks with leather accents.

>> No.18139601
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Balensneediaga Superbusy bag from FW22

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18138981 No.18138981 [Reply] [Original]

Hygiene/skincare General #9 it isnt even summer yet edition

Previous >>18106499

Post your routine, holy grails and strategies to shave balls. Share experience about skincare products and your skin issues

Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips: http://pastebin.com/5QEQgMUp
How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face: http://pastebin.com/Ujf2x9M6
How to improve your skin tone through diet: http://pastebin.com/epLqSbEQ
Studies on how diary and sugars create acne: http://pastebin.com/0H5gag01
Dark circles around the eyes: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH): http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Ridding dark eye circles:

9 replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.18139487
File: 140 KB, 1440x804, Screenshot_20240605_184356_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this thread on reddit by googling male hormonal acne. I am in my early thirties and have struggled with under the skin, blind pimples/cysts for my entire twenties and now thirties. I've always thought it was hormonal somehow because it's not constant. I'll be completely fine for months and then get a bunch all at once, with zero change to skincare routine. I am super intrigued by topical spiro. This guy updated his post this month saying it's still working for him. I have always been super jealous of women as they have so many more options than men in terms of spiro, birth control, even spearmint tea or things that lower test.

I really might try this. I have had my hormones checked and whole it came back "normal", my free T was quite high. It could also fluctuate more than normal.

Anyone have experience with topical spiro?

>> No.18139556

>cold water every morning and night
>witch hazel (no alcohol) before shower
>physical exfoliation every other day
>jojoba oil
never had clearer skin

>> No.18139557

>tfw want to cold shower but it's winter and the hot water relaxes my muscles after the work day
I suffer

>> No.18139576

It's hot and humid here. Wrecking havoc on my oily, acne prone skin. My skin was sooooo good from like November-Early May.

>> No.18139588

>be me
>start exercising in January
>surprisingly stick with it for once
>best shape of my fucking life
>throw out my entire wardrobe last month
>get new, high quality, fashionable summer clothing
>excited, plan a week long trip with my bro to a beach town a few states away for next week
>immediately break out in the worst cystic acne I've had in years
lmao. just lmao. why does the universe hate me so much?
I'm pretty sure that's what caused my breakout I've been doing a lot of stuff outside and it's been really hot out at night, my AC is busted so I wake up sweaty and sticky.

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18138889 No.18138889 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to the store
>All the clothes in stock are plus-sized (XL, XXL, 38x30, etc.)
Why do so many clothes companies cater to the plus sized population these days?

>> No.18138897

Is this bait or are you not aware 70% of americans are obese

>> No.18138911

Yet the normal sizes are always sold out while piles of the fat sizes remain. How does that make sense from the company’s perspective?

>> No.18138980

They order significantly less of the smaller sizes because less people fit into them, therefore they sell out faster.

>> No.18138983


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18138824 No.18138824 [Reply] [Original]

>look up collections
>designer in specific year made some cool shit
>1-2 mens pieces or nothing at all
>all collections aftef are way too different
>impossible to find shit online before 2011
>you need to have them magazines
>collection is trash, but designer wears kino outfit
>pieces you like are 99% sold out/destroyed/small size

why is it like this

>> No.18138839

Even shit from 2 years ago is like that, it's always been like that for runway items

>> No.18138840

Fuck's wrong with that freg

>> No.18138842

Runway fashion isn't real fashion, it's a complete and utter scam so people can pretend to have taste.
Remember, it's way harder to put together a memorable fit that stands out if you're working with the same building blocks as everyone else compared to dropping thousands on some (((unique))) one off runway item that no one else has access to

>> No.18138851

it's like this so that people buy pieces at retail price as soon as they're available, or at higher prices before they're made available at retail stores

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18138806 No.18138806 [Reply] [Original]

Wide fit pants look like shit, lets be honest.

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>> No.18139382

as a brazilian, this kind of ass is attainable, and we see a lot of them

what gives the POSSIBILITY of being real is the fact that her tummy is smooth = fat enough to make the butt round, since muscular ass is butterfly shaped. and you can even see a bit of a dip at the sides of her hips

>> No.18139386

I work in a warehouse and at least three of the other women there have asses like this, while their bodies/frames vary from extremely low bodyfat (muscular) and a pretty big gal. Definitely a combination of underlying muscle and genetically lucky fat distribution.

>> No.18139394

i think it all comes down to beauty obsessed gym-oriented cultures

that's something i have only seen in american countries

>> No.18139449

they lipo the fat out of the gut and graft it onto the ass
its called a brazillian butt lift

>> No.18139539

Legit looks so much better than baggy wide mom jeans holy shit.